Evet arkadaşlar lasermine cvar listesi aşağıdaki gibidir.

Türkçeleri yanlarına yazılmıştır.

amx_ltm //1 is on , 0 is off açma kapama
amx_ltm_mode //0 is lasermine, 1 is Tripmine mode
amx_ltm_ammo //The setup of ammo (default 2) 2 tane laser kurulur. Bunu 4 yaparsanız cok iyi olur.
amx_ltm_fragmoney //A setup for the reward (default 300) ölen adamdan alınan para
amx_ltm_cost //The settlement of the cost (default 2500) Laser almak icin gerekli para
amx_ltm_health //The settlement of the degree of durability (default 500)
amx_ltm_dmg //The setup of the damage (default 10000) Laserin verdiği hasar
amx_ltm_teammax //The setup of maxset in team.
amx_ltm_radius //The setup of radius.
amx_ltm_rdmg //The setup of max radius damage.
amx_ltm_ff //setup friendly fire.
amx_ltm_cbt //can buy and deploy team set.
amx_ltm_buymode //saycmd buying. 0 is off, 1 is on
amx_ltm_delay //can buying roundstart +sec. (default 15sec)
amx_ltm_think //laser think setting.(default and min 0.01: ex-1.0 unlaggnging. but lasers blank)
amx_ltm_line //0 is invisible laserline. 1 is visible laserline.
amx_ltm_acs // 0 is all, 1 is admin only
amx_ltm_glow // 1 is glowing team color for mine. default 0
amx_ltm_cmdmode //command mode. (0 is +USE key, 1 is bind, 2 is each)
Bio version : amx_ltm -> bio_ltm

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