şimdi yayınlandı, https://prerelease.sphere.torfo.org/

yeni sürümün getirdikleri:
- Hardcoded guild sistemi tamamen kaldırıldı, sadece kodlanmış olan kullanılacak.
- FreeBSD 7 sürümü artık resmi.
- Her zamanki bug-fixler ve yenilikler.

Alıntı11-02-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1406: Newly created characters not starting with the MALE_DEFAULT / FEMALE_DEFAULT
newbie templates.
- Fixed: Exception caused by using ARGO.Verb when argo is not set.
- Modified: "Vendor uid=xxx selling unmovable item" message no longer shown when
listing the items that a player can sell to a vendor.

27-04-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1404: Restoring custom house design without first making a backup allowing players
to remove the entire house foundation.
- Fixed #1398: Lightning spells causing @EnvironChange to be called on nearby characters.
- Fixed #1381: Maps with non-matching courses plotted can be stacked.
- Modified #1389: Character list to show filled character slots that are over the account's
limit (eg. account containing 7 characters shows all 7 even when the limit is 5 ,assuming
the client is capable of displaying all 7).

27-04-2008, coruja747 (Script pack)
- Updated #1402: sphere_item_building_walls_se.scp (Fixed empty dupelist property)

27-04-2008, Mordaunt (Script pack)
- Updated: sphere_item_multis_foundations.scp (Added the remaining house foundation sizes)

28-04-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1394: Advanced pathfinding (NPC_AI_PATH) allowing NPCs to make invalid movements
(for example walking whilst paralyzed). Some other adjustments have also been made,
allowing NPCs to properly assess characters that may be blocking the way (to walk around
them), negotiate corners with EF_DiagonalWalkCheck enabled, and attempt to compensate
when new obstacles block a previously valid path.
- Fixed #1390: Locals not working in SKILLMENUs.

28-04-2008, coruja747 (Script pack)
- Updated #1392: spherechar_new_mounts.scp, spherechar_mondains_legacy.scp (Updated
RESDISPDNHUE property on rides)

02-05-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1348: Problem where <SERV.ResourceType.Id> returns 1 when the id is a different
resource type (e.g. <SERV.TEMPLATE.i_dagger> (dagger being an item not a template)).

15-05-2008, Shadow Dragon
- Added LAYER_AUCTION that can contain container on character for script purposes, like
auction system.

19-05-2008, Shadow Dragon
- Modified: GOLD property adds new gold stacks to bankbox.

21-05-2008, Nazghul
- Added: Combat flags to Sphere.ini to allow stacking armor and aimed hits. Example of usage
is in scripts/AddOns.
Aimed hits are controlled by tags on the "hitter": TAG.HITPREFERENCE holds the targetted
zone: 1=head, 2=neck/throat, 3=back, 4=chest, 5=arms, 6=hands, 7=legs, 8=feet (if the value
is out of this range it will be changed by %9; "0" means: no preference set);
TAG.HITPREFERENCE_CHANCE (0..1000) is the chance to really hit the desired area;
TAG.HITPREFERENCE.BONUS is the percent the damage is raised when hit where desired,
TAG.HITPREFERENCE.PENALTY is the percent the damage is lowered if the area was missed.
The last two values are defaulting to "30".
The system is perhaps useful to script a system where a player can look for weak armored
bodyparts of his opponent and try to hit him there; could be essential if armor stacking
is used.

23-05-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1418: Tracking being used to reveal the location of invisible staff members.
- Fixed #1417: Unable to access account properties using [SERV.]ACCOUNT.x.KEY where account
x begins with a number.
- Fixed: Characters "drifting to shore" when logging in on a ship.
- Fixed: Variety of exceptions caused when items are being set to type t_eq_memory_obj after
after creation.
- Modified: RESTOCK function on vendors now accepts a parameter to specify whether or not
new stock should be spawned immediately (0=empty existing stock (default), 1=empty stock
and spawn next set).

26-05-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed: Code not being skipped properly when incorrect loop syntax is used.
- Modified: @UserVirtue trigger now has 2 arguments:
ARGO = The character whose virtue button has been pressed
ARGN1 = The button ID pressed (1=virtue button (on paperdoll), 105-112=icons within the
Note: Clients only specify the character they're viewing (ARGO) when pressing the
paperdoll button (ARGN1=1)
- Added: @UserVirtueInvoke trigger, called when a virtue is invoked through client macros.
ARGN1 = The virtue ID (1=Honor, 2=Sacrifice, 3=Valor)

27-05-2008, MrSugarCube
- Modified: ARGN2 in @SkillChange trigger is now writeable.

27-05-2008, MrSugarCube (Script pack)
- Updated: sphere_msgs.scp (Added 2 more "tracking_*" defmessages)

25-06-2008, MrSugarCube
- Modified: Installing Sphere as a Windows service (using "-k install" with NTService=1) will
now configure the service with an automatic restart configuration.

02-07-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1439: NPC_AI_MOVEOBSTACLES allowing NPCs to move items whilst paralyzed.
- Added #850: @SpellSuccess trigger, fires on the caster just before the @Success trigger is
fired on spell blocks.

04-07-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1177: Client command parsing using brackets as argument separators.
- Fixed #1097: Possible infinite loop involving circular ownership (e.g. two characters set as
owners of each other).

04-07-2008, MrSugarCube (Script pack)
- Updated #1443: sphere_guild_dlg_charlist.scp, sphere_guild_promptconsole.scp,
sphere_town_dlg_charlist.scp, sphere_town_promptconsole.scp (Fixed guild and town stones
using TITLE property instead of GUILDTITLE)

04-07-2008, Nazghul
- Added: skilltitles "Elder" and "Legendary"

05-07-2008, MrSugarCube (Script pack)
- Updated #1130: sphere_msgs.scp (Removed tracking_dis* defmessages and replaced them with
simpler tracking_result* defmessages)

06-07-2008, Nazghul
- Added: SPELLFLAG_NOPRECAST what disbles PRECASTING on a per-spell-base.
Only valid if PRECAST is activated by Sphere.ini

08-07-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1446: GM/MT_FLY enabled characters walking through stairs when EF_WalkCheck is not
enabled. [Note: Due to potentially negative side-effects of this fix a temporary EF flag
(EF_NoWalkingThroughStairsFix) has been added to sphere.ini which disables the fix just in
case something bad happens (if no issues are reported that are caused by this fix then you
can expect it to disappear very soon)]

10-07-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed ##3: Unstackable items becoming stacked after being bought off a player-owned vendor,
when the buyer cannot carry the items.
- Fixed ##2: NPC_AI_FOOD causing NPCs to get stuck whilst they attempt to eat grass from a
tile where grass has already been eaten from recently.

13-07-2008, Beyonder
- Fixed ##1: Sphere crashes with Experimental Flag UseNetworkMulti.
- Added: LOCAL.FIELDWIDTH and LOCAL.FIELDGAUGE to @SpellSuccess and @Success
LOCAL.FIELDWIDTH sets the width of the field from character point of view.
LOCAL.FIELDGAUGE sets the thickness of the field.
- Fixed #1449: Damage spells backfire when selecting summon while casting.

15-07-2008, Beyonder
- Added: Extra local arguments to @SkillStart and @Start (skill section) triggers for crafting
LOCAL.CRAFTITEMDEF - the UID of defname of the item we are currently crafting. Readable/Writable.
Accepts ONLY UIDs of ITEMDEFs, for example:
if (<LOCAL.CRAFTITEMDEF> == <DEF.i_katana>
LOCAL.CRAFTSTROKECNT - amount of strokes character makes while creating the item. Each stroke
has DELAY specified in SKILL section. Readable/Writable.
LOCAL.CRAFTAMOUNT - amount of items that will be created. Only usable for REPLICATable items,
otherwise will make no effect. Readable/Writable.
- Modified: @Destroy on items and characters is triggered before deletion, not after. This way
all of the item/character properties are fully accessible.
"return 1" forbids deletion. WARNING! putting return 1 in this trigger means it won't be deleted
in any possible way! Use it with caution.

15-07-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed: World saves being aborted when they are taking a long time to complete.

20-07-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1459: Weather effects not being updated when walking in/outdoors.
- Fixed #1458: ARGV[x] not being updated when ARGS is set to a new value.

20-07-2008, Coruja (Script pack)
- Updated #1457: sphere_items_multis_houses_ships.scp (Corrected sign height and door type for the
stone and marble shops)
- Updated #1456: spherechar_new_mounts.scp (Added FOODTYPE for c_giant_beetle)

24-07-2008, Coruja (Script pack)
- Updated #1465: sphere_spells.scp (Wrong spellflag for MARK spell)

02-08-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1475: Undefined keyword error when using 'REGION.ALLCLIENTS' in a region with no clients.

08-08-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1479: Custom layer values not being restored correctly when loading from world save.
- Fixed #1470: Entering house customization with open dialogs causing the sphere to lose track of
which dialogs are still open on the client.
- Fixed #1468: Exiting house customization mode sending characters to the house sign's height
instead of ground level.

09-08-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1476: Players under the incognito spell being unable to read other players' profile
- Fixed #1033: Mass Curse spell not affecting character stats.
- Modified #963: ARGN1 in @[item]DropOn_Ground can now be used to read/write the decay time (in
tenths of a second) that will be set on the dropped item.

10-08-2008, Coruja (Script pack)
- Updated #1486: sphere_map_points4.scp (Added teleports for Yomotsu Mines and Fan Dancer's Dojo)
- Updated #1485: sphere_map3.scp (Added missing Malas locations)
- Updated #1480: sphere_map_points0.scp, sphere_map_points1.scp (Incorrect teleports for Ice

11-08-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1483: Issues with trying to load scripts from directories outside of where the Sphere
executable is located.

12-08-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1489: Longer ships being able to manoeuvre themselves into invalid positions.

13-08-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1490: Formatting error when showing murderer/criminal title on the paperdoll.

14-08-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1484: Client showing the wrong season and light level upon login.

16-08-2008, Nazghul
- Added: Character Trigger @UserQuestArrowClick what fires if the user clicks on the quest arrow.
No RETURN value checks, ARGN1 is the mouse button used (0=left, 1=right). Trigger works only
with EF_MinimizeTriggers disabled.

22-08-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1496: Female NotoTitles not always being shown on the paperdoll.

25-08-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed: @Dismount trigger being fired multiple times under certain circumstances.

26-08-2008, Shadow Dragon
- Fixed: Skills doesn't gain when lower than 1.8
- Added: New trigger @AfterClick and @ItemAfterClick. LOCAL.ClickMsgText will contain text, that
will be shown after click on object, LOCAL.ClickMsgHue will contain color of the message. Both
locals are writable. RETURN 1 - will cancel showing text. Requires EF_New_Triggers to be
- Fixed: Mounts removing when world save (error: Ridden NPC without a mount item).

31-08-2008, MrSugarCube
- Added #1507: REVERT function to custom housing (t_multi_custom), calling this will clear any
uncommitted changes that have been made to the building design.

03-09-2008, Nazghul
- Added #1504: Optional second parameter "amount" to MAKEITEM. Please understand that the
"additional" items crafted will neither fire any trigger, nor give experience or skill. So,
from that point of view there's no difference between "MAKEITEM i_dagger" and "MAKEITEM i_dagger,10"
(except for the number of daggers created). If the resources you have are insufficiant for
the amount, it will be shortened respectively.
yavrum yaw :D saolsunlar :D bekliyodum yeni build. hadi inşallah bugsuz çıkar
Hataları mevcut eskisine nazaran kullanılmasını şu an için tavsiye etmiyorum.
Hatasız sphere çıkarılmaz. İlle bi hata olur. Hatasız kul olmaz.
Offical degil.
Gerekli Hassasiyeti Gösterseler 1 tane Hata olmaz ayda 1 yeni version çıkarılıyor bu kadar aceleye gelirmi 56b çatısı altındau Uraşsınlar 5-6 ay yada hiç yapmayın bazen yenisi eskisindende kötü oluyor
Hıım paylaştığın için tesekkürler inceleyelim bakalım
sXe gibi değil ya ona dua edin
walla şu anki kullandıgım 56b sürümdede hatalar var ama dahada yeni çıkan sürüme atlamayacam yahu başıma iş alıom bug fixle uğraşacam die ne zaman adam akıllı çıkar o zaman yükleyecem :)

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