Merhaba arkadaslar ben yeni uyeyim burda ve sizlerin yardi ile simdilik amator shard kurmayi dusunuyorum tabi bunu hosta baglatmicam sadece profesyonel olursam bisiler yaparim diye

1= Df sistemini nasil aktif ederim [help gumpuna baktim yanliz orda bisi goremedim

2= Neiradan dusen hooded in sansini nasil ayarlicaz yani ben sole yapmak istiyorum %5 blessed %20 cursed %75 bos yada sole olsun %10 blessed %90 bos bunlarin nasil ayarlancagini bilmiyorum

3=faction olayina girmek istemiyiorm zaten aktif degilde hani df sistemini aktif ederken oda aktif olmasin diye soliyim dedim

4=guild sistemini nasil devreye sokcaz baktimda hic guild deed bulamadim menude acaba scriptimi var yoksa benmi kazmayim

5=butun acilan charlarin tek bir koordinatta dogmasini nasil ayarlicam

6=sanirim simdilik yeter fazla basinizi agrittim

Arkadaslar yardim edenlerdende etmiyenlerdende Allah razi olsun.....
Diğerlerinde ne demek istediğini anlayamadım :S Ama 5. de sanırım asdece ilk loginde belirli bir bölgeye gitmesini istiyorsun.Şöyle yapacaksın.Adam oyuna girdiğinde ona bir komuut yazdıracaksın ya da oyuna başlangıç stone gibi bişeyler yaptıysan ve adam girince ona basması gerekiyorsa o yaptığı işleme
src.newitem i_basladinmi
Şimdi adam servera ilk başladığın yaptığı işlemde çantasına bir item düşürdük.Daha sonra login scpne gir şunları ekle :
[Function plogin]
//Buraya ek bilgiler yazabilirsin adamların servera bağlandığında yapcakları ayarlar fln.Pvp serverındaysan 10 src.nightsight 1 gibi şeyler ekleyebilirsin.
if !(<src.findid i_basladinmi>)//Bu itemı birazdan tanımlayacaz.
src.go xxx // xxx yerine gitmesini istediğin bölgenin kordinatlarını yazıosn.Kordinat örenmek için .where yaz.
src.sysmessage @46,, Serverimiza hosgeldiniz.
return 1
Bunu ekledikten sonra her hangi bir scpnin içine şunları ekle :
[itemdef i_basladinmi]
id i_memory
attr attr_invis | attr_move_never
return 1
ruturn 1
return 1
Son olarak da sphere_skill sin içine girip [SKILLCLASS 0] ın altına
if (<src.account.plevel> <2)///Pleveli 2 den düşükse (playersa)
return 1
endif //Yukarida yazdigimiz plogin functionunu uygular.
Olay bundan ibaret umarim anlatabilmişimdir.
NOT: Daha kısa bi biçimde Tag yoluyla da yapabilirsin.
Öhöm öhöm,

Neo bölüme dikkat ettiysen RunUO hakkında yardım istiyor arkadaş |-)
Oww :) Prdns :D Hele diorm hiç bişe anlamadım dediklerinden :D
:) Olsun genede emegın ıcın cok tesekkur ederım......
Her zmn.
Help plssss
Ule neo xD Oku olm biraz topicleri xDxD
Bir kac sorun daha olcak

1- Yere atılan ıtemlerın sılınmesının suresını 5 dakkaya ındırmek ıcın ne yapmam lazım

birde ben bu help gumpunda 15. satırda ve 52. satırda hata alıyorum.

hatannın seklı şöyle

(line 15, column 14) the namespace &&#35039;server.engines.Help! already contains a definition for &&#35039;ContainedMenu&&#35039;

(line 52, column 14) the namespace &&#35039;server.engines.Help! already contains a definition for &&#35039;HelpGump&&#35039;

Gump uzun halı böle

// Design By CherNoBeL(Namer)
using System;
using Server;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Menus;
using Server.Menus.Questions;
using Server.Accounting;
using Server.Multis;
using Server.Mobiles;

namespace Server.Engines.Help
public class ContainedMenu : QuestionMenu
private Mobile m_From;

public ContainedMenu( Mobile from ) : base( "Kayitli yardim talebiniz zaten bulunmakta en kisa surede size yardim edecegiz.", new string[]&&#35123; "Eski talebimi oldugu gibi birak.", "Yardim talibimi siradan kaldir." } )
m_From = from;

public override void OnCancel( NetState state )
m_From.SendMessage(  "Yardim talebi degistirilmedi.", 0x35, true ); // Yardim talebi degistirilmedi.

public override void OnResponse( NetState state, int index )
if ( index == 0 )
m_From.SendMessage(  "Yardim talebi degistirilmedi.", 0x35, true ); // Yardim talebi degistirilmedi.
else if ( index == 1 )
PageEntry entry = PageQueue.GetEntry( m_From );

if ( entry != null && entry.Handler == null )
m_From.SendMessage( "Yardim talebi siradan kaldirildi.", 0x35, true ); // Yardim talebi siradan kaldirildi.
PageQueue.Remove( entry );
m_From.SendMessage( "Yardim talebi degistirilmedi.", 0x35, true ); // Yardim talebi degistirilmedi.

public class HelpGump : Gump
public static void Initialize()
EventSink.HelpRequest += new HelpRequestEventHandler( EventSink_HelpRequest );

private static void EventSink_HelpRequest( HelpRequestEventArgs e )
foreach ( Gump g in e.Mobile.NetState.Gumps )
if ( g is HelpGump )

if ( !PageQueue.CheckAllowedToPage( e.Mobile ) )

if ( PageQueue.Contains( e.Mobile ) )
e.Mobile.SendMenu( new ContainedMenu( e.Mobile ) );
e.Mobile.SendGump( new HelpGump( e.Mobile ) );

private static bool IsYoung( Mobile m )
if ( m is PlayerMobile )
return ((PlayerMobile)m).Young;

return false;

public static bool CheckCombat( Mobile m )
for ( int i = 0; i < m.Aggressed.Count; ++i )
AggressorInfo info = (AggressorInfo)m.Aggressed[i];

if ( DateTime.Now - info.LastCombatTime < TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 30.0 ) )
return true;

return false;

public HelpGump( Mobile from ) : base( 0, 0 )
from.CloseGump( typeof( HelpGump ) );

bool isYoung = IsYoung( from );

			this.AddBackground(28, 58, 532, 356, 9200);
			this.AddAlphaRegion(181, 61, 379, 50);
			this.AddAlphaRegion(181, 112, 377, 299);
			this.AddLabel(297, 388, 1160, @"");
			this.AddLabel(472, 388, 1152, @"By CherNoBel");
			this.AddLabel(301, 62, 1160, @"Turkish UO");
			this.AddLabel(301, 83, 1160, @"Yardim Konulari");
			this.AddLabel(201, 122, 1160, @"Yardım Bölümü");
			this.AddAlphaRegion(30, 62, 149, 350);
			this.AddLabel(189, 146, 1152, @"* Bu bölümde güncel sorunlarınıza cevaplar bulacaksınız");
			this.AddLabel(189, 170, 1152, @"* Bu bölümde verilen cevaplar sabit yetkili cevaplarıdır");
			this.AddLabel(189, 191, 1152, @"* Daha fazla detaylı bilgi icin ");
			this.AddLabel(374, 190, 1160, @"");
			this.AddLabel(189, 212, 1152, @"* Gereksiz sorulan soruların cezası jail dir");
			this.AddImageTiled(412, 164, 148, 245, 60970);
			this.AddLabel(191, 263, 1152, @"* Nm Spawn süresi : 1 Hafta ");
			this.AddLabel(201, 238, 1160, @"Spawn Süreleri ;");
			this.AddLabel(191, 283, 1152, @"* Unicorn Spawn Süresi: 1 Hafta ");
			this.AddLabel(191, 304, 1152, @"* Kirin Spawn süresi : 1 Hafta ");
			this.AddLabel(191, 321, 1152, @"* Fire steed spawn süresi : 1 Hafta");
			this.AddLabel(191, 343, 1152, @"* Silver Steed spawn süresi : 1 Hafta ");
			this.AddLabel(191, 363, 1152, @"* White&Dark Ostard YAKINDA! ");
			this.AddLabel(69, 119, 1152, @"Mesaj Gönder");
			this.AddLabel(33, 67, 67, @"Seçenekler ;");
			this.AddLabel(70, 144, 1152, @"Bug Bildir");
			this.AddLabel(70, 171, 1152, @"Stuck Çek");

AddPage( 0 );

//AddHtmlLocalized( 150, 50, 360, 40, 1001002, false, false ); // <CENTER><U>Ultima Online Help Menu</U></CENTER>
//AddButton( 425, 415, 2073, 2072, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 ); // Close

AddPage( 1 );

if ( isYoung )
//AddButton( 80, 75, 5540, 5541, 9, GumpButtonType.Reply, 2 );
//AddHtml( 110, 75, 450, 58, @"<BODY><BASEFONT COLOR=BLACK><u>Young Player Haven Transport.</u> Select this option if you want to be transported to Haven.</BODY>", true, true );

AddButton(38, 119, 9905, 9905, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 2 );

AddButton(38, 171, 9905, 9905, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

AddButton(37, 145, 9905, 9905, 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

//AddButton( 80, 270, 5540, 5541, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 3 );
//AddHtml( 110, 270, 450, 58, @"<u>Another player is harassing me.</u> Another player is verbally harassing your character. When you select this option you will be sending a text log to Origin Systems. To see what constitutes harassment please visit", true, true );

//AddButton( 80, 335, 5540, 5541, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 2 );
//AddHtml( 110, 335, 450, 58, @"<u>Other.</u> If you are experiencing a problem in the game that does not fall into one of the other categories or is not addressed on the Support web page (located at, please use this option.", true, true );
AddButton(38, 119, 9905, 9905, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 2 );

AddButton(38, 171, 9905, 9905, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

//AddButton( 80, 250, 5540, 5541, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 3 );
//AddHtml( 110, 250, 450, 74, @"<u>Another player is harassing me.</u> Another player is verbally harassing your character. When you select this option you will be sending a text log to Origin Systems. To see what constitutes harassment please visit", true, true );

//AddButton( 80, 330, 5540, 5541, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 2 );
//AddHtml( 110, 330, 450, 74, @"<u>Other.</u> If you are experiencing a problem in the game that does not fall into one of the other categories or is not addressed on the Support web page (located at, please use this option.", true, true );

AddPage( 1 );

//AddButton( 80, 90, 5540, 5541, 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
//AddHtml( 110, 90, 450, 74, @"<u>Report a bug or contact Origin.</u> Use this option to launch your web browser and mail in a bug report. Your report will be read by our Quality Assurance Staff. We apologize for not being able to reply to individual reports. ", true, true );

//AddButton( 119, 257, 4502, 248, 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );

//AddButton( 80, 250, 5540, 5541, 5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
//AddHtml( 110, 250, 450, 74, @"<u>Account Management</u> For questions regarding your account such as forgotten passwords, payment options, account activation, and account transfer, please choose this option.", true, true );

//AddButton( 80, 330, 5540, 5541, 6, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
//AddHtml( 110, 330, 450, 74, @"<u>Other.</u> If you are experiencing a problem in the game that does not fall into one of the other categories or is not addressed on the Support web page (located at, and requires in-game assistance, use this option. ", true, true );

AddPage( 3 );

AddButton( 80, 90, 5540, 5541, 7, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
AddHtmlLocalized( 110, 90, 450, 145, 1062572, true, true ); /* <U><CENTER>Another player is harassing me (or Exploiting).</CENTER></U><BR>
* Use this option when another player is verbally harassing your character.
* Verbal harassment behaviors include but are not limited to, using bad language, threats etc..
* Before you submit a complaint be sure you understand what constitutes harassment
* <A HREF="">&&#358211; what is verbal harassment? -</A>
* and that you have followed these steps:<BR>
* 1. You have asked the player to stop and they have continued.<BR>
* 2. You have tried to remove yourself from the situation.<BR>
* 3. You have done nothing to instigate or further encourage the harassment.<BR>
* 4. You have added the player to your ignore list.
* <A HREF="">- How do I ignore a player?</A><BR>
* 5. You have read and understand Origin&&#358217;s definition of harassment.<BR>
* 6. Your account information is up to date. (Including a current email address)<BR>
* *If these steps have not been taken, GMs may be unable to take action against the offending player.<BR>
* **A chat log will be review by a GM to assess the validity of this complaint.
* Abuse of this system is a violation of the Rules of Conduct.<BR>
* Use this option to report someone who may be exploiting or cheating.
* <A HREF="">&&#358211; What constitutes an exploit?</a>

AddButton( 80, 240, 5540, 5541, 8, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
AddHtmlLocalized( 110, 240, 450, 145, 1062573, true, true ); /* <U><CENTER>Another player is harassing me using game mechanics.</CENTER></U><BR>
  * <BR>
  * Use this option when another player is harassing your character using game mechanics.
  * Physical harassment includes but is not limited to luring, Kill Stealing, and any act that causes a players death in Trammel.
  * Before you submit a complaint be sure you understand what constitutes harassment
  * <A HREF=""> &&#358211; what is physical harassment?</A>
  * and that you have followed these steps:<BR>
  * 1. You have asked the player to stop and they have continued.<BR>
  * 2. You have tried to remove yourself from the situation.<BR>
  * 3. You have done nothing to instigate or further encourage the harassment.<BR>
  * 4. You have added the player to your ignore list.
  * <A HREF=""> - how do I ignore a player?</A><BR>
  * 5. You have read and understand Origin&&#358217;s definition of harassment.<BR>
  * 6. Your account information is up to date. (Including a current email address)<BR>
  * *If these steps have not been taken, GMs may be unable to take action against the offending player.<BR>
  * **This issue will be reviewed by a GM to assess the validity of this complaint.
  * Abuse of this system is a violation of the Rules of Conduct.

AddButton( 150, 390, 5540, 5541, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 1 );
AddHtmlLocalized( 180, 390, 335, 40, 1001015, false, false ); // NO  - I meant to ask for help with another matter.

public override void OnResponse( NetState state, RelayInfo info )
Mobile from = state.Mobile;

PageType type = (PageType)(-1);

switch ( info.ButtonID )
case 0: // Close/Cancel
from.SendMessage( "Yarim talebi iptal edildi.", 0x35, true ); // Yarim talebi iptal edildi.

case 1: // General question
type = PageType.Question;
case 2: // Stuck
BaseHouse house = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt( from );

if ( house != null && house.IsAosRules )
from.Location = house.BanLocation;
else if ( from.Region is Server.Regions.Jail )
from.SendMessage( "Bundan Daha Iyi Bir Kacis Planina Ihtiyacin var.", 0x35, true ); // You&&#35039;ll need a better jailbreak plan then that!
else if ( Factions.Sigil.ExistsOn( from ) )
from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1061632 ); // You can&&#35039;t do that while carrying the sigil.
else if ( from.CanUseStuckMenu() && from.Region.CanUseStuckMenu( from ) && !CheckCombat( from ) && !from.Frozen && !from.Criminal && (Core.AOS || from.Kills < 5) )
StuckMenu menu = new StuckMenu( from, from, true );


from.SendGump( menu );
type = PageType.Stuck;

case 3: // Report bug or contact Origin
type = PageType.Bug;
case 4: // Game suggestion
type = PageType.Suggestion;
case 5: // Account management
type = PageType.Account;
case 6: // Other
type = PageType.Other;
case 7: // Harassment: verbal/exploit
type = PageType.VerbalHarassment;
case 8: // Harassment: physical
type = PageType.PhysicalHarassment;
case 9: // Young player transport
if ( IsYoung( from ) )
if ( from.Region is Regions.Jail )
from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1041530, "", 0x35 ); // You&&#35039;ll need a better jailbreak plan then that!
else if ( from.Region.Name == "Haven" )
from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1041529 ); // You&&#35039;re already in Haven
from.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 3618, 2587, 0 ), Map.Trammel );


if ( type != (PageType)(-1) && PageQueue.CheckAllowedToPage( from ) )
from.SendGump( new PagePromptGump( from, type ) );

Bu da orjinal linki

Bu konu hypochondriac tarafından düzenlendi(2008-01-01 18:21, 16 yıl önce)
benmde br sorum olucak bankanın üstüne merdiven nasıl yapıcaz bide itemlerin rengini nasıl değistircez

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