Arkadaşlar , sunucuda saveler de saçma bi sorun var nedense önceden olmayan bu sorun 3-4 gündür kafamızı çok ağrıttı , save alınca save sürüyor diyor normalde save tamamlandı demesi gerekiyor ve kaç saniyede oldugunun gösterilmesi gerekiyor ancak sphereda da (saving) yazıyor bunun kaynağı sizce ne olabilir ..:con
spheremsgs.scp olabilir :) bi içini yokla

cant_make			"@38,,1 Bunu yapamazsiniz."
cant_make_res		"You can't make anything with what you have."
mining_los			"@0bb2,,1 Bu yer gorus alaninizin disinda."
mining_reach		"@0bb2,,1 Bu yer cok uzakta."
mining_tool			"@0bb2,,1 Kazma kullanmaniz gerekli."
mining_1			"@0bb2,,1 Baska yerde kazi yapmayi deneyin."
mining_2			"@0bb2,,1 Burada cikartabileceginiz maden yok."
mining_3			"@0bb2,,1 Burada maden kalmamis."
mining_4			"@0bb2,,1 Kayalarda kazi yapmayi deneyin!"
fishing_reach		"@0bb2,,1 Bu yer cok uzakta."
fishing_success		"@0bb2,,1 %s cektiniz!"
fishing_promt		"@0bb2,,1 Nereden balik tutmak istiyorsunuz?"
fishing_1			"@0bb2,,1 Baska yerde avlanmayi deneyin"
fishing_2			"@0bb2,,1 Burada balik yok."
fishing_3			"@0bb2,,1 Duruyor oldugunuz yerden avlanamazsiniz."
lumberjacking_los	"@0bb2,,1 Bu yer gorus alaninizin disinda."
lumberjacking_reach	"@0bb2,,1 Bu yer cok uzakta."
lumberjacking_1		"@0bb2,,1 Baskayeri kesmeyi deneyin."
lumberjacking_2		"@0bb2,,1 Burada kesilecek bisey yok."
lumberjacking_3		"@0bb2,,1 Bu agac degil."
lumberjacking_4		"@0bb2,,1 Bicebilecek odun kalmadi."
lumberjacking_5		"@0bb2,,1 Agaca vurarak yanacak madde cikarttiniz."
lumberjacking_6		"@0bb2,,1 Agaclari Kesmeyi deneyin!"
magery_1			"@0bb2,,1 Bu buyuyu nesnelere uygulayamazsiniz."
magery_2			@68,1,1,1 Bunu buyu olmuyor..
magery_3			"@0bb2,,1 Bu buyuyu kendinize uygulayamazsiniz."
magery_4			"@0bb2,,1 Bu buyuyu sadece zemin'e uygulayabilirsiniz."
makesuccess_1		"@0bb2,,1 Zayif yeteneginize karsilik olarak, nesne kalitesiz oldu."
makesuccess_2		"@0bb2,,1 Nesneyi zar zor yapabildiniz. Nesne dusuk kalitede oldu."
makesuccess_3		"@0bb2,,1 Nesneyi yaptiniz, ama nesne orta niteligin altinda degil."
makesuccess_4		"@0bb2,,1 Cok hizli yaptiniz..."
makesuccess_5		"@0bb2,,1 Nesne kusursuz nitelikte oldu."
makesuccess_6		"@0bb2,,1 Istisnai yeteneginize karsilik olarak, Nesne fevkalade nitelikte oldu."
grandmaster_mark	 %s, %s Tarafindan Yapildi
provoke_unable		"@0bb2,,1 Sadece canli varliklari kiskirtabilirsiniz."
provoke_select		"@0bb2,,1 Kim bunu yeniden kiskirtmak istiyor?"
cartography_wmap	"@0bb2,,1 Cevrenizi anlayabilmis gibi gorunmuyorsunuz."
cartography_nomap	"@0bb2,,1 Cizim yapacak parsomen'iniz kalmadi."
cartography_cant	"@0bb2,,1 [%s]'i bulundugu yerde kullanamazsiniz."
provocation_upset	"@0bb2,,1 Bundan dolayi uzuntulusunuz."
provocation_player	"@0bb2,,1 Oyunculari kiskirtamazsiniz!"
provocation_emote_1	"Bariscil gorunuyor."
provocation_emote_2	"Kizgin gorunuyor."
poisoning_select_1	"@0bb2,,1 Ne tur zehir surmek istiyorsunuz?"
poisoning_witem		"@0bb2,,1 Sadece yemeklere ve kesici silahlara zehir surebilirsiniz.."
poisoning_success	"@0bb2,,1 Zehiri surdunuz."
cooking_success		"@0bb2,,1 Mmm, guzel kokuyor."
taming_ymaster		"@0bb2,,1 Sen kendinin patronusun."
taming_cant			"@0bb2,,1 Bunlari ehlillestiremezsiniz."
taming_reach		"@0bb2,,1 Hayvan'dan uzaktasiniz."
taming_los			"@0bb2,,1 Hayvani goremiyorsunuz."
taming_tame			"@0712,,1 [%s] zaten ehlillestirilmis."
taming_tamed		"@0713,,1 %s ehlillestirilemez."
taming_1			"Seni incitmeyecegim."
taming_2			"Herzaman senin gibi bir %s istemisimdir."
taming_3			"Guzel %s"
taming_4			"Gel %s"
taming_remember		"@0713,,1 [%s] sizi daha once sahibi olarak kabul ettigini hatirladi."
taming_success		"@0713,,1 Hayvan sizi sahibi olarak kabul etti."
hiding_success		"@044,,1 Kendinizi iyi gizlediniz"
hiding_toolit		"@0713,,1 Aydinlik seviyesi saklanmaniz icin uygun"
hiding_revealed		"@38,,1 Gizliliginiz Bozuldu."
herding_ltarg		"@0713,,1 Hedefi kaybettiniz!"
herding_nocrook		"@0713,,1 Crook'u kaybettiniz!"
//herding_annoyed		"@0713,,1 Sinirli gorunuyor"
herding_success		"Hayvan emredilen yere gidiyor"
spiritspeak_success	"@0713,,1 Cehennemle baglanti kurmayi basardiniz"
meditation_peace_1	"@0bb2,,1 Mananiz Dolu." // already have full mana
meditation_peace_2	"@38,,1 Mananiz Doldu..." // reached full mana
meditation_try		"@0bb2,,1 Transa gecmeye calistiniz."
healing_noaids		"@0713,,1 Bandajlariniz nerede?"
healing_witem		"@0713,,1 Bandaj kullanin"
healing_reach		"@38,,1 Hedef'e ulasamiyorsunuz."
healing_nonchar		"@0713,,1 Varliklari iyilestirmeyi deneyin."
healing_beyond		"@0713,,1 Bu varliga yardim edilemez."
healing_toofar		"@0713,,1 [%s] isimli varligi iyilestiremeyecek kadar uzaktasiniz."
healing_attempt		"@0713,,1 [%s], %s ahmet isimli varligi tedavi etmeye calisti."
healing_who			"Sen"
healing_corpseg		"@0713,,1 Cesedi yere koydu" 
healing_am			"@0713,,1 Yeniden diriltme isleminiz buyu karsiti yer tarafindan engellendi."
healing_ghost		"You can't heal a ghost! Try healing their corpse."
healing_healthy		"@0713,,1 Sagliklisiniz"
healing_noneed		"@0713,,1 [%s] isimli kisinin tedaviye ihtiyaci yok!"
healing_attemptf	"@0713,,1 [%s], %s isimli kisiye bandaj uyguladi, ama basairisiz oldu."
healing_to			"%s isimli kisiye bandaj uyguladiniz"
healing_self		"Kendinize bandaj uyguladiniz"
healing_res			[%s] isimli kisiyi dirilttiniz
healing_cure_1		"[%s] isimli kisinin zehirini tedavi ettiniz!"
healing_cure_2		"%s zehirinizi tedavi etti!"
removetraps_witem	"@0713,,1 Tuzaklari etkisiz kilmak icin bu yetenegi kullanabilirsiniz."
removetraps_reach	"@0713,,1 Buna Ulasamiyorsunuz."
begging_start		"@0713,,1 [%s] isimli oyuncunun ayaklarina kapandiniz."
skill_noskill		"@0713,,1 Yetenek tamamlanamadi!"
lockpicking_nopick	"@0713,,1 Lockpick'e ihtiyaciniz var."
lockpicking_witem	"@0713,,1 Lockpick'i kilitlenebilir esyalarda kullanabilirsiniz."
lockpicking_preach	"@0713,,1 pick uzerinizde olmali."
lockpicking_reach	"@0713,,1 Buna Ulasamiyorsunuz."
detecthidden_succ	"@0713,,1 [%s] isimli oyuncuyu buldunuz"
tasteid_result		"@0713,,1 Bu %s tadindadir."
tasteid_unable		"@0713,,1 Bunu kullanamazsiniz!."
tasteid_self		"@0713,,1 Lezzetli!"
tasteid_char		"@0713,,1 Baska bisey tatmayi deneyin."
itemid_result		"@0713,,1 Bu'%s' gibi gorunuyor."
itemid_noval		"@0713,,1 Bu esyanin satilabilir gercek bir degeri yok."
itemid_gold			"@0713,,1 [%s]nin yaklasik degeri %d Gp."
itemid_madeof		"@0713,,1 Bu esya icin kullanilan adet: "
forensics_corpse	"@0713,,1 Forensics sadece cesetlerde kullanilabilir."
forensics_reach		"@0713,,1 Daha fazla soyleyecek kadar yakinda degilsiniz."
forensics_timer		"@0713,,1 Bu %s'dir ve %d saniye eskidir. "
forensics_failname	"Bunu kimin oldurdugunu belirleyemediniz."
forensics_name		"It looks to have been killed by %s"
forensics_carve_1	"This is the corpse of %s and it is has been carved up. "
forensics_carve_2	"It looks to have been carved by %s"
forensics_alive		"%s is unconscious but alive."
non_alive			"@0713,,1 Bu yasayan biseye benzemiyor."
tracking_unable		"@0713,,1 Varligin yerini ogrenemediniz"
tracking_spyglass	"@0713,,1 Burada tracking yapabilmeniz icin skyglass'a ihtiyaciniz var."
tracking_fail_1		"@38,,1 Tracking iptal edildi"
tracking_fail_2		"@38,,1 Hic hayvan izine rastlamadiniz."
tracking_fail_3		"@38,,1 Hic yaratik izine rastlamadiniz."
tracking_fail_4		"@38,,1 Hic insan izine rastlamadiniz."
tracking_fail_5		"@38,,1 Hic oyuncu izine rastlamadiniz."
tracking_fail_6		"@38,,1 Hicbir ize rastlamadiniz."
tracking_dist_0		[%s] ve %s yonunde"
tracking_dist_1		yakin
tracking_dist_2		"Az uzak"
tracking_dist_3		uzak
tracking_dist_1		cok uzak
smithing_fail		"You need ingots for smithing."
smithing_reach		"The ingots must be on your person"
smithing_hammer		"You must weild a smith hammer of some sort."
smithing_forge		"@0813,,1 Forgenin yaninda olmalisiniz."
healing_interrupt	"Your healing was interrupted by the hit!"
inscription_fail	"You have no blank scrolls"
alchemy_not_reg		"That is not a reagent."
alchemy_nobottles	"You have no bottles for your potion."
alchemy_pour		"Bitmis iksiri siseye koydu"
alchemy_dunno		"You have no clue how to make this potion."
alchemy_toss		"Basarisiz olan karisimi doktu"
alchemy_lack		"Hmmm, you lack %s for this potion."
alchemy_stage_1		"start grinding some %s in the mortar"
alchemy_stage_2		"add %s and continue grinding"
cartography_fail	"@0713,,1 Cizim yapabileceginiz bos parsomen yok."
stealing_reach			"@0713,,1 Buna Yetisemiyorsunuz."
stealing_nothing		"@0713,,1 Nothing to steal here."
stealing_empty			"@0713,,1 Calinabilecek bisey yok"
stealing_corpse			"@0713,,1 Cesetlerden calamazsiniz"
stealing_gameboard		"@0713,,1 Oyun tahtalarindan calamazsiniz"
stealing_trade			"@0713,,1 Satis penceresinden calamazsiniz"
stealing_pickpocket		"@0713,,1 Buna cift tiklayacak stealing becerinizi gelistirebilirsiniz"
stealing_heavy			"@0713,,1 Bu cok agir."
stealing_noneed			"@0713,,1 Bunu calmaniza gerek yok."
stealing_stop			"@0713,,1 Burada esya calmak mumkun degildir."
stealing_mark			"Your mark is too far away."
stealing_safe			"@0713,,1 Burada oyunculardan calamazsiniz."
stealing_your			"attempting to steal"
stealing_someone		"stealing"
snooping_reach			"@0713,,1 Buna yetisemiyorsunuz."
snooping_mark			"@0713,,1 Isaretlediginiz canta uzakta."
snooping_your			"Cantayi acmaya calisiyorsunuz."
snooping_someone		"peeking into"
anatomy_magic			"This is a magical creature"
anatomy_result			"@38,1,1 [%s] %s and %s."
anatomy_str_1			"rather feeble"
anatomy_str_2			"somewhat weak"
anatomy_str_3			"to be of normal strength"
anatomy_str_4			"somewhat strong"
anatomy_str_5			"very strong"
anatomy_str_6			"extremely strong"
anatomy_str_7			"extraordinarily strong"
anatomy_str_8			"as strong as an ox"
anatomy_str_9			"Anatomy Gain Alir
anatomy_str_10			"superhumanly strong"
anatomy_dex_1			"very clumsy"
anatomy_dex_2			"somewhat uncoordinated"
anatomy_dex_3			"moderately dexterous"
anatomy_dex_4			"somewhat agile"
anatomy_dex_5			"very agile"
anatomy_dex_6			"extremely agile"
anatomy_dex_7			"extraordinarily agile"
anatomy_dex_8			"like they move like quicksilver"
anatomy_dex_9			"like one of the fastest people you have ever seen"
anatomy_dex_10			"[Superhumanly agile]"
armslore_unable			"@38,,1 That does not appear to be a weapon or armor."
armslore_def			"Defense [%i]."
armslore_dam			"Attack [%i]."
armslore_rep			"This item is %s."
armslore_rep_0			" It looks quite fragile."
item_magic				"@38,,1 Esya magical."
item_newbie				"@38,,1 Esya newbie."
item_repair				"@38,,1 Bu esya tamir edilemez."
// Note: the following 20 messages are not used yet!
armslore_def_1			"That offers no protection."
armslore_def_2			"That might protect a little bit."
armslore_def_3			"That offers a little protection."
armslore_def_4			"That offers fair protection."
armslore_def_5			"That offers considerable protection."
armslore_def_6			"That is good protection."
armslore_def_7			"That is very good protection."
armslore_def_8			"That is excellent protection."
armslore_def_9			"That is nearly the best protection."
armslore_def_10			"That makes you almost invincible."
armslore_dam_1			"That doesn't look dangerous at all."
armslore_dam_2			"That might hurt someone a little bit."
armslore_dam_3			"That does small amount of damage."
armslore_dam_4			"That does fair amount of damage."
armslore_dam_5			"That does considerable damage."
armslore_dam_6			"That is a dangerous weapon."
armslore_dam_7			"That weapon does a large amount of damage."
armslore_dam_8			"That weapon does a huge amount of damage."
armslore_dam_9			"That weapon is deadly."
armslore_dam_10			"That weapon is extremely deadly."
// Note: the above 20 messages are not used yet!
armslore_psn_1			"You see no poison."
armslore_psn_2			"You detect a tiny amount of poison."
armslore_psn_3			"You find a small amount of poison."
armslore_psn_4			"You find a little poison."
armslore_psn_5			"You find some poison."
armslore_psn_6			"There is poison on that."
armslore_psn_7			"You find a lot of poison."
armslore_psn_8			"You find a large amount of poison."
armslore_psn_9			"You find a huge amount of poison."
armslore_psn_10			"You see enough poison to kill almost anything."
evalint_result			@38,1,1 [%s] %s."
evalint_result_2		"They look %s and %s."
evalint_int_1			"dumb as a rock"
evalint_int_2			"fairly stupid"
evalint_int_3			"not the brightest"
evalint_int_4			"about average"
evalint_int_5			"moderately intelligent"
evalint_int_6			"very intelligent"
evalint_int_7			"like a formidable intellect"
evalint_int_8			"extraordinarily intelligent"
evalint_int_9			"like a definite genius"
evalint_int_10			"superhumanly intelligent"
evalint_mag_1			"clueless about magic"
evalint_mag_2			"to have vague grasp of magic"
evalint_mag_3			"capable of using magic"
evalint_mag_4			"higly capable with magic"
evalint_mag_5			"to be adept of magic"
evalint_mag_6			"to have mastery of magic"
evalint_man_1			"nearly absent of mana"
evalint_man_2			"low on mana"
evalint_man_3			"half drained of mana"
evalint_man_4			"have a high charge of mana"
evalint_man_5			"full of mana"
evalint_man_6			"super charged with mana"
mining_not_ore			"@0713,,1 Eritmek istediginiz ore'yi seçmelisiniz."
mining_reach			"@0713,,1 %s'yi bulundugu yerden kullanamazsiniz."
mining_forge			"@0713,,1 Forge'nin yaninda olmalisiniz."
mining_ingots			"@0713,,1 Ingotlardan esya yapmak icin smith hammer kullanmalisiniz."
mining_fire				"@0713,,1 Ates bunu eritmek icin yeterli degil."
mining_skill			"@0713,,1 %s'yi eritecek beceriye sahip degilsiniz."
mining_consumed			"@0713,,1 Bu, ateste ziyan oldu."
mining_nothing			"@0713,,1 %s erittiniz fakat ziyan oldu."
hiding_stumble			"@0713,,1 Yanlislikla %s isimli oyuncuyu ortaya cikardiniz."
hiding_revealed			"@38,,1 Gizliliginiz bozuldu."
animallore_result		@38,1,1 [%s] is a %s"
animallore_free			@38,1,1 [%s] is %s own master"
animallore_master	 	@38,1,1 [%s] is loyal to %s"
animallore_conjured		@38,1,1 "like a conjured creature"
animallore_food			@38,1,1 [%s] looks %s.
skillwait_1		"@0713,,1 Bu konumda iken birsey yapamazsiniz."
skillwait_2		"@38,,1 Savas hakkindaki dusunceleriniz nedeniyle akliniz karisik."
skillwait_3		"@38,,1 Diger faaliyetin bitmesini beklemelisiniz."

[DEFMESSAGE broadcasts]
// @color,font does not work here
server_resync_start	 @0790,9 Scripts Guncellemesi.
server_resync_success	 @0790,9 Guncelleme Tamamlandi.
server_resync_failed	"@07a1,1,1 Yenilenme tamamlandi.
server_worldsave_notify		@0790,,1 Yedeklemeye Son 10 Saniye.
server_worldsave		"@0bb2,9 Save Suruyor" 
server_worldstaticsave	"@07a1,9 Static Save"

[DEFMESSAGE commands]
cmd_invalid		"@1,1 Boyle bir komut yok"
cmdafk_enter		"@07a1,,1 AFK moduna girdiniz"
cmdafk_leave		"@38,,1 AFK modundan ciktiniz"
gmpage_prompt		"@07a1,,1 Sorununuzu belirtin"

msg_gmpage_canceled		"Game Master Page cancelled."
msg_gmpage_qued			"There is no Game Master available to take your call. Your message has been queued."
msg_gmpage_notified		"Available Game Masters have been notified of your request."
msg_gmpage_qnum			"There are %d messages queued ahead of you"
msg_gmpage_rec			"GM Page from %s [0%lx] @ %d,%d,%d,%d : %s"
msg_gmpage_update		"You have an existing page. It has been updated."
msg_emote_1				"*You see %ss %s %s*"
msg_emote_2				"*Your %s %s*"
msg_emote_3				"*You see %ss %s*"
msg_emote_4				"*Your %s*"
msg_emote_5				"*%s see %s*"
msg_emote_6				"*You %s*"
msg_emote_7				"*%s %s dedigini gordunuz.*"
msg_pet_happy_1			"confused"
msg_pet_happy_2			"ravenously hungry"
msg_pet_happy_3			"very hungry"
msg_pet_happy_4			"hungry"
msg_pet_happy_5			"a little hungry"
msg_pet_happy_6			"satisfied"
msg_pet_happy_7			"very satisfied"
msg_pet_happy_8			"full"
msg_pet_food_1			"confused"
msg_pet_food_2			"very unhappy"
msg_pet_food_3			"unhappy"
msg_pet_food_4			"fairly content"
msg_pet_food_5			"content"
msg_pet_food_6			"happy"
msg_pet_food_7			"very happy"
msg_pet_food_8			"extremely happy"
msg_food_lvl_1			"starving"	
msg_food_lvl_2			"very hungry"
msg_food_lvl_3			"hungry"
msg_food_lvl_4			"fairly content"
msg_food_lvl_5			"content"
msg_food_lvl_6			"fed"
msg_food_lvl_7			"well fed"
msg_food_lvl_8			"stuffed"
msg_acc_priv			"@0713,,1 Bunu yapacak yetkiye sahip degilsin"
msg_acc_block			"@38,,1 '%s' isimli hesap blocklandi"
msg_acc_kick			"A'%s' was %sed by '%s'"
//msg_acc_del			"@0713,,1 Hesap silindi"
//msg_acc_char_del		" @0713,,1 Karakterler hesaptan silindi. "
//msg_acc_email_fail		"Email address '%s' yasaklidir."
//msg_acc_email_success	"Email for '%s' is '%s'."
msg_criminal			"@38,,1 Suclu!"
msg_guildresign			"@38,,1 Savas sirasinda guildinizden cikamazsiniz."  //You cannot quit your %s while in a fight
msg_murderer			"@38,,1 Katil!"
msg_noto_gettitle		"@0713,,1 artik %s'siniz"
msg_noto_change_lost	" lost"
msg_noto_change_gain	" gained" 
msg_noto_change_0		"@0713,,1 You have %s %s %s."
msg_noto_change_1		" a bit of"
msg_noto_change_2		" a small amount of"
msg_noto_change_3		" a little"
msg_noto_change_4		" some"
msg_noto_change_5		" a moderate amount of"
msg_noto_change_6		" alot of"
msg_noto_change_7		" large amounts of"
msg_noto_change_8		" huge amounts of"
msg_younotice_1			"@0713,,1 You notice %s %s %s."
msg_younotice_2			"@0713,,1 You notice %s %s %s%s %s"
msg_younotice_your		"@0713,,1 your"
msg_younotice_s			"'s"
msg_magic_block			"@0713,,1 Saldiriniz buyusel olarak engellendi"
msg_coward_1			"@0713,,1 [%s] sizinle olan savastan cekildi."
msg_coward_2			"@0713,,1 [%s] savastan cekildi."
msg_guest				"Your guest curse prevents you from taking this action"
msg_jailed				"@38,,1 Hapse atildiniz"
msg_forgiven			"@0713,,1 Serbest birakildiniz"
msg_steal				"@0713,,1 Bu sizin degil. Bunu calmaniz lazim."
msg_guards				"@38,,1 Guardlar tarafinda araniyorsun."
msg_heavy				"@38,,1 Bu cok agir. Hareket ettiremezsiniz."
msg_bounce_pack			cantaniza eklendi..
msg_feet				"at your feet. It is too heavy."
msg_itemplace			@0bb2,,1 Item : [%s] %s
msg_eatsome				"eat some %s"
msg_mount_dist			"@0713,,1 Varliga yetisemiyorsunuz."
msg_mount_unable		"@0713,,1 Fiziksel olarak binek kullanabilecek yetenege sahip degilsiniz."
msg_mount_dontown		"@0713,,1 Bu binek size ait degil."
msg_cantsleep			"@0713,,1 Burada uyuyamazsiniz."
msg_corpse_of			"@0713,,1 %s'nin cesedi."
msg_killed_by			"@0713,,1 %c'%s' was killed by "
msg_unconscious			"@0713,,1 Bayginsiniz ve hareket edemiyorsunuz."
msg_frozen				"@33 You are Frozen.
msg_fatigue				"@38,,1 Hareket etmek icin cok Yorgunsunuz."
msg_overload			"@0713,,1 Hareket etmek icin cok agirsiniz."
msg_mount_ceiling		"@0713,,1 Tavan yuksekligi buna binmeniz icin uygun degil."
msg_tingling			"@0713,,1 Kendinizi urpermis hissediyorsunuz" 
msg_invisible			"@0713,,1 Gorunmeyen biseyi ittirerek yanindan gectiniz." //You push past something invisible
msg_stepon_body			"@0713,,1 %s bedeninin uzerine bastini." // you step the body on %s
msg_cantpush			"@38,,1 Birini ittirebilecek kadar guclu degilsiniz."
msg_push				"@044,,1 [%s] onunuzden ittirdiniz..
msg_region_enter		"@0713,,1 %s'ye girdiniz."
msg_region_guards_1		"@07a1,1,1 Guard Zoneye Girdiniz"
msg_region_guards_2		"@0845,1,1 Guard Zoneden Ciktiniz "
msg_region_guard_art	"the"
//msg_region_pvpsafe		"@0,0 Safe"
msg_region_pvpnot		"@0845,1,1 Safe Zoneden Ciktiniz."
msg_region_safetyget	"@07a1,,1 Safe Zoneye Girdiniz.
msg_region_safetylose	"@038,,1 Kendinizi yanliz hissediyorsunuz."
msg_hunger				"You are %s"
login_player		"@0845,1,1 Bizi Sectiginiz Icin Tesekkurler"
login_players		"@0845,1,1 Groza TR Iyi OyunLar.."

[DEFMESSAGE containers]
bvbox_open_self		"@0713,,1
bvbox_open_other	"@0713,,1 Agirlik :: %d"
bvbox_full_items	"@38,,1 Bankaniz daha fazla esya tasiyamaz."
bvbox_full_weight	"@0713,,1 Bankaniz daha fazla agirlik tasiyamaz."
cont_magic		"@0713,,1 Esya sihirli kutudan disariya firladi"
cont_full		"@0713,,1 Kutuda cok fazla esya bulunuyor"
cont_toosmall		"@0713,,1 Bu canta, Bu islem icin cok kucuk."

combat_attacks			"@38,,1 [%s] Size Saldiriyor."
combat_attacko			"@38,,1 [%s] Attacking [%s]"
combat_parry		"@38,,1 Iska gectiniz."
combat_misss		"@38,,1 %s isimli oyuncu/NPC'yi iskaladiniz"
combat_misso		"@38,,1 %s Sizi Iskaladi."
combat_arch_tooclose	"@38,,1 Hedefe cok yakinsiniz."
combat_arch_noammo	"@38,,1 Okunuz kalmadi."
combat_hit_head1s		"%s hit you straight in the face!"
combat_hit_head1o		"You hit %s straight in the face!"
combat_hit_head2s		"%s hits you on the head!"
combat_hit_head2o		"You hit %s on the head!"
combat_hit_head3s		"%s hit you square in the jaw!"
combat_hit_head3o		"You hit %s square in the jaw!"
combat_hit_head4s		"%s scores a stunning blow to your head!"
combat_hit_head4o		"You score a stunning blow to %ss head!"
combat_hit_head5s		"%s smashes a blow across your face!"
combat_hit_head5o		"You smash a blow across %ss face!"
combat_hit_head6s		"%s scores a terrible hit to your temple!"
combat_hit_head6o		"You score a terrible hit to %ss temple!"
combat_hit_chest1s		"%s hits your Chest!"
combat_hit_chest1o		"You hit %ss Chest!"
combat_hit_chest2s		"%s lands a blow to your stomach!"
combat_hit_chest2o		"You land a blow to %ss stomach!"
combat_hit_chest3s		"%s hits you in the ribs!"
combat_hit_chest3o		"You hit %s in the ribs!"
combat_hit_chest4s		"%s lands a terrible blow to your chest!"
combat_hit_chest4o		"You land a terrible blow to %ss chest!"
combat_hit_chest5s		"%s knocks the wind out of you!"
combat_hit_chest5o		"You knock the wind out of %s!"
combat_hit_chest6s		"%s smashed you in the rib cage!"
combat_hit_chest6o		"You smash %s in the rib cage!"
combat_hit_arm1s		"%s hits your left arm!"
combat_hit_arm1o		"You hit %ss left arm!"
combat_hit_arm2s		"%s hits your right arm!"
combat_hit_arm2o		"You hit %ss right arm!"
combat_hit_arm3s		"%s hits your right arm!"
combat_hit_arm3o		"You hit %ss right arm!"
combat_hit_legs1s		"%s hits your left thigh!"
combat_hit_legs1o		"You hit %ss left thigh!"
combat_hit_legs2s		"%s hits your right thigh!"
combat_hit_legs2o		"You hit %ss right thigh!"
combat_hit_legs3s		"%s hits you in the groin!"
combat_hit_legs3o		"You hit %s in the groin!"
combat_hit_hand1s		"%s hits your left hand!"
combat_hit_hand1o		"You hit %ss left hand!"
combat_hit_hand2s		"%s hits your right hand!"
combat_hit_hand2o		"You hit %ss right hand!"
combat_hit_hand3s		"%s hits your right hand!"
combat_hit_hand3o		"You hit %ss right hand!"
combat_hit_neck1s		"%s hits you in the throat!"
combat_hit_neck1o		"You hit %s in the throat!"
combat_hit_neck2s		"%s smashes you in the throat!"
combat_hit_neck2o		"You smash %s in the throat!"
combat_hit_back1s		"%s scores a hit to your back!"
combat_hit_back1o		"You score a hit to %ss back!"
combat_hit_feet1s		"%s hits your foot!"
combat_hit_feet1o		"You hit %s foot!"
party_select			"Partiye katilacak oyuncuyu secin.
party_invite			"%s isimli oyuncuyu partiye katilmasi icin davet ettiniz.
party_invite_targ		"%s isimli oyuncunun partisine davet edildiniz.

npc_stablemaster_full			"I'm sorry the stables are full"
npc_stablemaster_toomany		"I'm sorry you have too many pets stabled here already. Tell me to 'retrieve' if you want them."
npc_stablemaster_targ_stable	"What pet would you like to stable here"
npc_stablemaster_nopets			"Sorry I have no stabled animals for you"
npc_stablemaster_treatwell		"Treat them well"
npc_stablemaster_select			"Select a pet to stable"
npc_stablemaster_los			"I can't seem to see your pet"
npc_stablemaster_rem			"Please remember my name is %s. Tell me to 'Retrieve' when you want your pet back."
npc_stablemaster_fail			"It doesn't seem to want to go."
npc_healer_ref_evil_1	"Thou hast committed too many unholy acts to be resurrected"
npc_healer_ref_evil_2	"Thou hast strayed from the virtues and I shall not resurrect you."
npc_healer_ref_evil_3	"Thy soul is too dark for me to resurrect."
npc_healer_ref_crim_1	"Thou art a criminal, I shall not resurrect you."
npc_healer_ref_crim_2	"Because of your lawless ways, I shall not help you."
npc_healer_ref_crim_3	"It wouldn't be right to help someone like you."
npc_healer_ref_good_1	"You are good, why would I help you."
npc_healer_ref_good_2	"Change thy virtuous ways, and I may consider resurrecting you."
npc_healer_ref_good_3	"Muhaaahaa, You have got to be kidding, I shall not resurrect such as thee."
npc_healer_res_1		"Thou art dead, but 'tis within my power to resurrect thee.  Live!"
npc_healer_res_2		"Allow me to resurrect thee ghost.  Thy time of true death has not yet come."
npc_healer_res_3		"Perhaps thou shouldst be more careful.  Here, I shall resurrect thee."
npc_healer_res_4		"Live again, ghost!  Thy time in this world is not yet done."
npc_healer_res_5		"I shall attempt to resurrect thee."
npc_healer_manifest		"I can't see you clearly ghost. Manifest for me to heal thee."
npc_healer_range		"You are too far away ghost. Come closer."
npc_healer_fail_1		"I'm sorry but i cannot resurrect you"
npc_healer_fail_2		"Ah! My magic is failing!"
npc_generic_gone_1		"Well it was nice speaking to you %s but i must go about my business"
npc_generic_gone_2		"Nice speaking to you %s"
npc_generic_dontwant	"They don't appear to want the item"
npc_generic_thanks		"Gold is always welcome. thank thee."
npc_generic_crim		"Help! Guards a Criminal!"
npc_generic_interrupt	"Excuse me %s, but %s wants to speak to me"
npc_generic_snooped_1	"Get thee hence, busybody!"
npc_generic_snooped_2	"What do you think your doing ?"
npc_generic_snooped_3	"Ack, away with you!"
npc_generic_snooped_4	"Beware or I'll call the guards!"
npc_generic_seecrim		"Help! Guards a Criminal!"
npc_generic_seemons		"Help! Guards a Monster!"
npc_beggar_food_ty		"Mmm thank you. I was very hungry."
npc_beggar_food_tal		"Thank thee! Now I can feed my children!"
npc_beggar_sell			"I'll sell this for gold! Thank thee!"
npc_beggar_ifonly		"If only others were as kind as you."
npc_beggar_beg_1		"Could thou spare a few coins?"
npc_beggar_beg_2		"I have a family to feed, think of the children."
npc_beggar_beg_3		"Can you spare any gold?"
npc_beggar_beg_4		"I have children to feed."
npc_beggar_beg_5		"I haven't eaten in days."
npc_beggar_beg_6		"Please? Just a few coins."
npc_pet_thanks			@38 "Thank thee"
npc_pet_money			@38 "I will keep this money in account."
npc_pet_sell			@38 "I will attempt to sell this item for you."
npc_pet_food_ty			@38 "Mmm. Thank you."
npc_pet_food_no			@38 "No thank you."
npc_pet_weak			@38 "I'm too weak to carry that." 
npc_pet_drop			@38 "Tell me to drop this when you want it back."
npc_pet_success			@38 "Yes Master"
npc_pet_failure			@38 "Sorry"
npc_pet_targ_att		@38 "Who do you want to attack?"		
//npc_pet_targ_fetch		@38 "What should they fetch?"
npc_pet_targ_follow		@38 "Who should they follow?"
npc_pet_targ_friend		@38 "Who is their friend?"
npc_pet_targ_go			@38 "Where should they go?"
npc_pet_targ_guard		@38 "What should they guard?"
npc_pet_targ_transfer	@38 "Who do you want to transfer to?"
npc_pet_setprice		@38 "What item would you like to set the price of?"
npc_pet_getgold_1		@38 "Here is %d gold. I will keep 1 days wage on hand. To get any items say 'Inventory'"
npc_pet_getgold_2		@38 "I only have %d gold. That is less that a days wage. Tell me 'release' if you want me to leave."
npc_pet_carrynothing	@38 "I'm carrying nothing."
npc_pet_days_left		@38 "I have been paid to work for %d more days."
npc_pet_items_sell		@38 "Put items you want me to sell in here."
npc_pet_items_buy		@38 "This contains the items I have bought."
npc_pet_items_sample	@38 "Put sample items like you want me to purchase in here"
npc_pet_wage_cost		@38 "I will work for %d gold"
npc_pet_hire_timeup		@38 "I'm sorry but my hire time is up."
npc_pet_hire_time		@38 "I will work for you for %d days"
npc_pet_employed		@38 "Sorry I am already employed."
npc_pet_not_for_hire	@38 "Sorry I am not available for hire."
npc_pet_not_enough		@38 "Sorry thats not enough for a days wage."
npc_pet_not_work		@38 "I will not work for you."
npc_pet_hire_amnt		@38 "I can be hired for %d gold per day."
npc_pet_hire_rate		@38 "I require %d gold per day for hire."
npc_pet_inv_only		@38 "You can only price things in my inventory."
npc_pet_cantsell		@38 "I can't sell this"
npc_pet_setprice		@38 "Setting price of to %d"
npc_pet_deserted		@38 "You sense that has deserted you."
npc_pet_decide_master	@38,,1 [%s] Tameden Cikti.
//npc_pet_status_gold_1	 "I have %d gold on hand. "
//npc_pet_status_gold_2	 "for which I will work for %d more days. "
//npc_pet_status_gold_3	 "I have %d items to sell."
//npc_pet_status_gold_4	 "I have %d gold on hand. "
//npc_pet_status_gold_5	 "I restock to %d gold in %d minutes or every %d minutes. "
//npc_pet_status_gold_6	 "I have %d items to sell."
//npc_vendor_sell			"To trade with me, please say 'vendor sell'"
npc_vendor_offduty		"Sorry, I'm currently off-duty.  Come back when my shop is open."
npc_vendor_nothing_sell	"Sorry I have nothing of interest to you."
npc_vendor_nothing_buy	"You have nothing I'm interested in"
npc_vendor_no_goods		"Sorry I have no goods to sell"
//npc_vendor_setprice		" What do you want the price to be? "
npc_banker_deposit		"I shall deposit %d gold in your account"
npc_trainer_dunno_1		"I know nothing about that"
npc_trainer_dunno_2		"I know nothing about %s"
npc_trainer_dunno_3		"You know more about %s than I do"
npc_trainer_dunno_4		"You already know as much as I can teach of %s"
npc_trainer_forgot		"I can't remember what I was supposed to teach you" 
npc_trainer_success		"Let me show you something of how this is done"
npc_trainer_thatsall_1	"That is all I can teach."
npc_trainer_thatsall_2	"I wish i could teach more but I cannot."
npc_trainer_thatsall_3	"There is nothing that I can teach you."
npc_trainer_thatsall_4	" and "
npc_trainer_enemy		"I would never train the likes of you." 
npc_trainer_price		"For %d gold I will train you in all I know of %s. For less gold I will teach you less"
npc_trainer_price_1		"For a fee I can teach thee of "
npc_trainer_price_2		"more"
npc_trainer_price_3		"..."
npc_guard_threat_1		"%s thou art a cowardly swine."
npc_guard_threat_2		"You shall get whats coming to you %s"
npc_guard_threat_3		"Evildoers shay pay %s!"
npc_guard_threat_4		"Beware of me foul %s"
npc_guard_threat_5		"Get thee gone foul %s"
npc_guard_strike_1		"Thou shalt regret thine actions, swine!"
npc_guard_strike_2		"Death to all evil!"
npc_guard_strike_3		"Take this vile criminal!"
npc_guard_strike_4		"Evildoers shay pay!"
npc_guard_strike_5		"Take this swine!"

target_promt			"@0713,,1 Bunu ne uzerinde kullanayim?"
itemuse_guildstone_new	"@0713,,1 Yeni isim ne olsun?"
itemuse_multi_collapse	"@0713,,1 Yapi cokuyor."
itemuse_multi_intway	"@0713,,1 %s yolunuza cikti."
itemuse_multi_fail		"@0713,,1 Buraya bina yapamazsiniz."
itemuse_multi_bump		"@0713,,1 Bu alan bina yapimi icin cok engebeli."
itemuse_multi_shipw		"@0713,,1 Gemi tamamen su icerisinde degil."
itemuse_multi_blocked	"@025,1,1 Buraya yapi koyulamaz."
itemuse_foodraw_touch	"@025,1,1 Buna yetisemiyorsunuz."
itemuse_foodraw_use		"@0713,,1 Yiyecekleri ates uzerinde pisirmelisiniz"
itemuse_toofar			"@0713,,1 Hedef cok uzakta"
itemuse_crook_try		"@0713,,1 Hareket ettirilemez nesneleri oynatmaya calistiniz"
itemuse_weapon_wwait	"@0713,,1 Yunlerin tekrar buyumesini beklemelisiniz"
itemuse_junk_reach		"@0713,,1 Buna yetisemezsiniz."
itemuse_log_unable		"@0713,,1 Bunu hareket ettiremezsiniz."
itemuse_log_use			"@0713,,1 Bow ve Shaft yaratmak icin Dagger kullanin."
itemuse_fish_unable		"@38,,1 Bunu hareket ettiremezsiniz."
itemuse_weapon_immune	"@38,,1 Vurusunuz bos gecti."
itemuse_steal			"@0713,,1 Once bunu calmalisiniz."
itemuse_wool_create		"@0713,,1 Biraz iplik yaptiniz."
itemuse_cotton_create	"@044,,1 Iplik/Lif yaptiniz."
itemuse_key_nokey		"@0713,,1 Bunun icin anahtariniz yok."
itemuse_key_nolock		"@0713,,1 Bunun kilidi yok."
itemuse_scissors_use	"@0713,,1 Saclarinizi ve giysilerinizi kesmek icin makas kullanin"
itemuse_bolt_1			"You start a new bolt of cloth."
itemuse_bolt_2			"The bolt of cloth needs a good deal more."
itemuse_bolt_3			"The bolt of cloth needs a little more."
itemuse_bolt_4			"The bolt of cloth is nearly finished."
itemuse_bolt_5			"The bolt of cloth is finished."	
itemuse_loom_remove		"Daha onceki bitmemis dokumayi bozdunuz."
itemuse_bandage_reach	"@0713,,1 Buna yetisemiyorsunuz."
itemuse_bandage_clean	"Clean bloody bandages in water"
itemuse_dye_unable		"@0713,,1 Bu esyayi sadece boya ficisi ile kullanabilirsiniz."
itemuse_dye_reach		"@0713,,1 Esyanin uzerinizde veya cantanizda olmasi gerek."
itemuse_dye_fail		"@0713,,1 Boya bunun uzerine damladi."
itemuse_pitcher_reach	"@0713,,1 Buna yetisemiyorsunuz."
itemuse_pitcher_fill	"@0713,,1 Surahiye sivi doldurun."
itemuse_skit_unable		"@0713,,1 Dikis setini bunda kullanamazsiniz."
itemuse_unable			"@0713,,1 Bu esyayi nasil kullanicagini bilmiyorsun"
itemuse_locked			"@0713,,1 Bu esya kitlenmis."
itemuse_tracker_attune	"Who do you want to attune to ?"  // Sonra bak
itemuse_gameboard_fail	"@0713,,1 Kutu icerisindeki oyun masalarini acamazsiniz"
itemuse_book_fail		"@0713,,1 Kitap yanmis gorunuyor!"
itemuse_potion_fail		"@0713,,1 Esyayi oynatamazsiniz."
itemuse_spawnchar_neg	"@0713,,1 Spawni etkisiz duruma getirdiniz."
itemuse_spawnchar_rset	"@0713,,1 Spawni etkisiz duruma getirdiniz ve tekrar etkin kildiniz."
itemuse_spawnitem_trig	"@0713,,1 Spawni baslattiniz."
itemuse_shrine			"Kutsanmis hissediyorsunuz"
itemuse_tillerman		"Arrg, Bunu durdur."
itemuse_rune_name		"@044,,1 Rune'nin yeni ismi ne olacak ?"
itemuse_forge			"@044,,1 Eritilecek ore'yi secin." 
itemuse_key_fail		"@0713,,1 Anahtar oyuncunuzun uzerinde olmali"
itemuse_key_promt		"@0713,,1 Anahtari kullanmak istediginiz esyayi secin."
itemuse_bandage_promt	"@0bb2,,1 Neyin uzerinde kullanicaksin?"
itemuse_weapon_promt	"@0bb2,,1 Neyin uzerinde kullanicaksin?""
itemuse_foodraw_promt	"@0bb2,,1 Neyin uzerinde kullanicaksin?""
itemuse_fish_fail		"@0713,,1 Bunu kesmek icin bicak kullanin"
itemuse_telescope		"@0713,,1 Wow, gokyuzunu gorebilirsin!"
itemuse_map_fail		"You must possess the map to get a good look at it." // sonra bak
itemuse_cball_promt		"@0713,,1 %s'yi ne uzerinde kullanmak istiyorsun?"
itemuse_cannon_powder	"@0713,,1 The cannon needs powder"
itemuse_cannon_shot		"@0713,,1 The cannon needs shot"
itemuse_cannon_targ		"@0713,,1 Silahli ve hazir. Hedef nedir?"   //gereksiz
itemuse_crook_promt		"@0713,,1 Neyi surmek istiyorsunuz?"
itemuse_pitcher_targ	"@0713,,1 %s'yi nerede kullanmak istiyorsunuz?"
itemuse_macepick_targ	"@0713,,1 %s'yi nerede kullanmak istiyorsunuz?"
itemuse_dye_nohair		"@0713,,1 Boyayacak saciniz yok!"
itemuse_dye_vat			"@0713,,1 Hangi boya tubunu kullanmak istiyorsunuz?"
itemuse_dye_targ		"@0713,,1 Bunu kullanmak istediginiz hedefi secin."
itemuse_mortar_promt	"What reagent you like to make a potion out of?"
itemuse_no_mortar		"@0713,,1 Yaninizda mortar ve paste olmasi lazim."
itemuse_sewkit_promt	"What do you want to use the %s on?"
itemuse_cantthink		"@0713,,1 Bu esyayi kullanmak icin bir yol bulamiyorsun."
itemuse_bow_shield		"@0713,,1 Kalkaniniz yayi dogru kullanmaniza engel oluyor."
itemuse_hatch_fail		"@0799,,1 Birtek geminin onundeki ambari acabilirsiniz."
reach_ghost				"@38,,1 Hayaletsi eliniz objenin icerisinden gecti."
reach_fail				"@38,,1 Buna Ulasamiyorsunuz."
reach_unable			"@38,,1 Bunu bulundugu yerden kullanamazsiniz."

[DEFMESSAGE broadcasts]
// @color,font does not work here
server_resync_start @0790,9 Scripts Guncellemesi.
server_resync_success @0790,9 Guncelleme Tamamlandi.
server_resync_failed "@07a1,1,1 Yenilenme tamamlandi.
server_worldsave_notify @0790,,1 Yedeklemeye Son 10 Saniye.
server_worldsave "@0bb2,9 Save Suruyor"
server_worldstaticsave "@07a1,9 Static Save"

al bak bakalım neresı senınkıyle uyusmuyorsa duzelt sorun bunlardan bırınde bunlar mı yazıyor save surecınde ??
Sorun save sürcende ama bu hatalı değil
nasıl bir kere türkçede surcende die bi söz yok herneyse save sürecinde ne oluyor cok mu uzun suruyor yoksa
Save nin Alınma Süresi 0.0025 Saniye Sürmüştür gibisinden mi yapmak istiyorsun. ?
save de donuyor sphere
:P ne yapmasını beklıyorsun tüm worldu kayıt edıyor sphereworld.scp nın boyutu nekadar bı bakarmısın
serv.tiggergs.scp icine
[FUNCTION f_onserver_save_finished]
serv.b @0bb2,,1 Save süresi: <args> saniye
hmm sphere save alınca sol ust mu sag ust kosede %30 da takılıyor dıyorsun allah allah hergün yeni bişey öreniyorum :)

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