İyi akşamlar arkadaşlar size bir sorum olucak ben bir spellbook olusturdum naturecall book adında

Kitabın Resmi:


Kitabın Scripti:

[ITEMDEF 01fa]
name=Call of Nature Book
resources=80 i_parchment,5 i_feather,5 i_cloth,1 i_crystal_ball

	CATEGORY=Provisions - Alchemy & Magic
	DESCRIPTION=Call of Nature Book
attr 04

message @1153 Call of Nature Book
return 1

src.dialog d_book_cn
return 1

[defname CallofNature]
pic1 07A,Snake Call,10,10,1
pic2 07B,Wolf Call,10,10,5
pic3 07C,Drain Life,10,20,5
pic4 07D,Natural Boost,10,10,15
pic5 07E,Horse Call,20,20,15
pic6 07F,Secret Axes,10,15,25
pic7 080,Buluruzbisi,10,15,35
pic8 081,Change Form,10,20,45
pic9 082,Secret Shield,10,15,55
pic10 083,Guardian Angel,30,20,65

[dialog d_book_cn]
gumppic 100 50 022
dtext 203 66 048c INDEX
dtext 370 66 048c INDEX
dtext 155 90 0 Snake Call
dtext 155 110 0 Wolf Call
dtext 155 130 0 Drain Life
dtext 155 150 0 Natural Boost
dtext 155 170 0 Horse Call
dtext 322 90 0 Secret Axes
dtext 322 110 0 Isimsiz
dtext 322 130 0 Change Form
dtext 322 150 0 Secret Shield
dtext 322 170 0 Guardian Angel

button 270 95 08af 08b0 1 0 1
button 270 115 08af 08b0 1 0 2
button 270 135 08af 08b0 1 0 3
button 270 155 08af 08b0 1 0 4
button 270 175 08af 08b0 1 0 5

button 430 95 08af 08b0 1 0 6
button 430 115 08af 08b0 1 0 7
button 430 135 08af 08b0 1 0 8
button 430 155 08af 08b0 1 0 9
button 430 175 08af 08b0 1 0 10

[dialog d_book_cn button]

on 1 10
ctag0.whichone_cn <dargn>
dialog d_book_cn_spells

[dialog d_book_cn_spells]

gumppic 100 50 022 //book

if !(<src.dctag0.whichone_cn> == 10)
gumppic 322 165 0835
gumppic 337 165 0835
gumppic 354 165 0835
gumppic 371 165 0835
gumppic 388 165 0835
gumppic 405 165 0835
gumppic 422 165 0835
gumppic 439 165 0835

gumppic 152 165 0835
gumppic 167 165 0835
gumppic 184 165 0835
gumppic 201 165 0835
gumppic 218 165 0835
gumppic 235 165 0835
gumppic 252 165 0835
gumppic 269 165 0835

local.whichone_cn <src.ctag0.whichone_cn>
local.other_cn <eval <local.whichone_cn>+1>

gumppic 202 90 <f_Basic_ayir 1,<def.pic<dlocal.whichone_cn>>>
if !(<src.dctag0.whichone_cn> == 10)
gumppic 362 90 <f_Basic_ayir 1,<def.pic<dlocal.other_cn>>>

dtext 153 135 048c Spell: <f_Basic_ayir 2,<def.pic<dlocal.whichone_cn>>>
if !(<src.dctag0.whichone_cn> == 10)
dtext 320 135 048c Spell: <f_Basic_ayir 2,<def.pic<dlocal.other_cn>>>

dtext 154 170 048c Need:
if !(<src.dctag0.whichone_cn> == 10)
dtext 321 170 048c Need:

local.left_thithing=<f_Basic_ayir 3,<def.pic<dlocal.whichone_cn>>>
local.left_mana=<f_Basic_ayir 4,<def.pic<dlocal.whichone_cn>>>
local.left_skill=<f_Basic_ayir 5,<def.pic<dlocal.whichone_cn>>>

dtext 190 170 048c <dlocal.left_thithing> xx
dtext 190 190 048c <dlocal.left_mana> Mana
dtext 190 210 048c <dlocal.left_skill>.0 Skill

local.right_thithing=<f_Basic_ayir 3,<def.pic<dlocal.other_cn>>>
local.right_mana=<f_Basic_ayir 4,<def.pic<dlocal.other_cn>>>
local.right_skill=<f_Basic_ayir 5,<def.pic<dlocal.other_cn>>>

if !(<src.dctag0.whichone_cn> == 10)
dtext 367 170 048c <dlocal.right_thithing> xx
dtext 367 190 048c <dlocal.right_mana> Mana
dtext 367 210 048c <dlocal.right_skill>.0 Skill

button 150 58 089d 089d 1 0 1
button 421 58 089e 089e 1 0 2

[dialog d_book_cn_spells button]
on 1
if (<src.dctag0.whichone_cn> == 1)
src.sdialog d_book_cn
src.ctag0.whichone_cn -=1
src.dialogclose d_book_cn_spells
src.dialog d_book_cn_spells

on 2
if (<src.dctag0.whichone_cn> == 10)
src.sdialog d_book_cn
src.ctag0.whichone_cn +=1
src.dialogclose d_book_cn_spells
src.dialog d_book_cn_spells

[function f_basic_ayir]
if !strcmpi('<argv[0]>','length')
return <eval <argv>-1>
//elif !<isnum <argv[0]>> //length olayıyla çakışabilir çakışırsa && <argv[0]> != length
//return Ilk deger sadece rakam olabilir.
elif <argv[0]> == 0
return "0" tanimsiz.
local.ayir <argv[<argv[0]>]>
return <local.ayir>

şimdi sorunlarım

1. Kitabı elime alamıyorum mulpatcher la eklerken elime aldıgım da görünecek resmi falan ekledim tiledata özelliklerinede (a,wearable,weapon) yaptım ama alamıyorum elime ne yapabilirim?

2. Bu kitaptaki spelleri normal spellbook gibi sadece resmi cekip kullanma veya resme tıklayarak atma işini nasıl yapabilirim?

Aynı spellbook ise bu verdata.mul u gumpic ile aç ve verdatadaki normal spellbook resmini bul değiştir.Bu kadar
hayır aynı spellbook degil bu yeni bi book apayrı bişey yani spellbooktan
kitap güzelmiş ama ...

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