Hele şükür geldi. Yapılan yenilikler aşağıda. Bol bol test edin :)

09-09-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1516: NPCs unable to use pathfinding when trying to follow or walk up to another character.

13-09-2008, MrSugarCube
- Added: BASECOMPONENT property to multis. Usage is similar to COMPONENT except it returns
  information for the components specified in the mul files, and when accessing
  individual components (BASECOMPONENT.n.[ID/DX/DY/DZ/D] there is an additional "VISIBLE"
  property which returns 0 if the component is invisible (usually applies to doors and signs).

16-09-2008, Nazghul
- Added: Override Tags for item/action related sound.
    (what it does should be obvious)
  TAG.OVERRIDE.PORTCULISSOUND - holds an sfx number played when
    opening/closing a portculis
  TAG.OVERRIDE.DROPSOUND - sfx an items makes when dropped. Att:
    system default sounds sometimes change due to the amount dropped
    (gold, ingots), or on what surface/item the item is dropped. All
    this will be overridden!
  TAG.OVERRIDE.SOUND_HIT - on weapons holds the sound when it hits,
    regardless of WHAT it hits!
  TAG.OVERRIDE.SOUND_MISS - on weapons, sound they make when missing

  all TAGs need to hold a number (defname MAY be possible -> test!),
  what also can be "0" (zero) with the meaning: don't play any sound.

17-09-2008, Nazghul
- Added: Trigger @PICKUP_STACK what fires only if an item was picked up from a pile.
  ARGO is the remaining part of the stack. (There's a char trigger itemPICKUP_STACK

18-09-2008, Nazghul
  override the respective INI settings on a per character base

28-09-2008, Shadow Dragon
- Fixed: Sphere crashing when injection tries to add one item to another non-container item
  (errors in injection script and so).

26-10-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1540: Server crash when invalid parameters are passed into RTIME.FORMAT.
- Fixed #1539: Infinite loop caused by "back" options on SKILLMENUs leading to a server crash.
- Fixed #1538: Possibility of quickly gaining arms lore skill through repairing, by repeatedly
  attempting to repair an item that cannot be repaired.
- Fixed #1518: Possibility of world save notification not being broadcasted.
- Fixed #1510: IsNum not working with negative numbers.
- Fixed #1158: Possibility of the statf_fly flag not being removed from players who have been stood
  still for some time.
- Fixed: "You can't think of a way to use that item." when failing to repair an item.
- Modified: EVENTSPLAYER, EVENTSPET and EVENTSREGION settings now accept a comma-delimited list of

26-10-2008, MrSugarCube (Script pack)
- Updated #1535: sphere_defs.scp (Corrected sounds for snd_rune_beetle through to snd_hiryu)

02-11-2008, MrSugarCube
- Added #1499: CanUndressPets setting to sphere.ini. Setting this to 1 will enable players to
  take equipment from their pets' paperdolls.

29-11-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1553: Repairing an item does not update its tooltip.
- Modified: IsNearType (including IsNearType.P) now accepts a third parameter, which when set to 1
  will cause the function to include multi components in the search.
- Added: New mt_mount flag (00400) which will allow character bodies to become capable of mounting
  rides. Note that this flag is not required for the bodies that could already mount rides prior
  to this flag's existence (c_man/c_woman/c_man_gm/c_elf_man/c_elf_woman). Also be aware that not
  all character bodies are intended to be used for mounting rides and won't have proper riding

29-11-2008, MrSugarCube (Script pack)
- Updated: sphere_defs.scp (Added mt_mount to the can_flags defname section)

05-12-2008, MrSugarCube
- Fixed: Server crash caused by exceedingly large dialogs being sent to clients.

06-12-2008, jeem (Script pack)
- Updated #1555: sphere_guild_dlg_charlist.scp, sphere_town_dlg_charlist.scp (Fixed script error
  when showing guild member titles)

07-12-2008, MrSugarCube
- Added #1086: Skill degradation for skills that have been set to decrease. @SkillChange trigger
  is called for decaying skills just as it does when they gain (compare <ARGN2> to <<ARGN1>> to
  determine if the skill is being increased or lowered).
- Added: Experimental flag EF_UseNetworkMultiVersionMod. This modifies the behaviour of the
  EF_UseNetworkMulti flag (don't forget to set this too) so that clients older than 4.0.0 will
  be unaffected and continue to use the original networking code as if the EF_UseNetworkMulti
  flag was never set.

03-01-2009, Dwayne1988 (Script pack)
- Updated: spherechar_human.scp, spherechar_evil.scp (Axis Tags were messed up, came after
  @NPCRESTOCK _and_ had a leading TAB so Axis won't find them)

24-01-2009, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1572: Exception on Linux builds when mounting a horse.
- Fixed #1569: @UserWarmode trigger not being fired.
- Fixed #1568: Default webpage paths in Sphere.ini not valid for Linux.
- Fixed #1532: Added log message to indicate the account name being referred to when an account
  is already in use, blocked, or cannot log in due to CLIENTMAX setting.

28-01-2009, Shadow Dragon
- Added: SERV.RTicks for reading purposes. Returns real system time in ticks as unsigned value (0..4294967295).
- Added: UVAL, which works like EVAL, but for unsigned values.

01-02-2009, Shadow Dragon
- Added: Basic LIST support.
  LIST.xxx to show elements in list. Also, can be used like LIST.xxx=value to clear list and add a value
  LIST.xxx.ADD to add new element to list, can be number or string
  LIST.xxx.CLEAR to clear list
  LIST.xxx.index to read/write value on element in list
  LIST.xxx.COUNT to get count of elements in list
  LIST.xxx.index.REMOVE to remove element at specified index in list
  LIST.xxx.index.INSERT to insert element at specified index in list
  LIST.xxx.FINDELEM search_value returns index of first found element in list. Search starting from begin
  LIST.xxx.index.FINDELEM search_value returns index of first found element in list. Search starting from index
  SERV.PRINTLISTS to print all lists and their elements
  SERV.CLEARLISTS to clear all lists. If used with mask parameter, then clear all lists, which name countains specified mask
- Added: SERV.Map.x.AllSectors some_verb_to_use
  If used not in this syntax, then gives old error about MAP is readonly.

08-02-2009, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1517: Unable to cast polymorph spell.
- Fixed: Possible infinite loop when creating fight memories in scripts.

09-02-2009, Coruja (Script pack)
- Updated #1576: sphere_item_profession.scp, sphere_item_deco_dungeons_traps_dead.scp (Corrected
  portrait DUPELISTs)

15-02-2009, MrSugarCube
- Modified #1545: JOINASMEMBER function no longer requires that the new member be online.
- Fixed: Unable to connect to local server with an encrypted client when it decides to reuse its
  login server connection instead of open a new one.

21-02-2009, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1571: Creating a player with a hyphen or period in its name causing a random name to be
- Fixed #1548: Armor MODAR being factored in twice when calculating total armour value, and sometimes
  character MODAR being factored in twice when calculating damage.
- Fixed: Messages such as "You can't reach anything in your state." and "You can't think of a way to
  use that item." being sent to players as they try to free themselves from spider webs.
- Added #1564: PetsInheritNotoriety setting to sphere.ini. This can be used to specify which
  notoriety flags a pet will inherit from its master (so if for example a pet has an evil owner
  and the NotoEvil flag is set then the pet will also show as evil regardless of its real notoriety).

22-02-2009, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1575: Improved handling of unicode speech in Linux build.
- Fixed #1537: TEST in skillmenus not being parsed in the same way as TESTIF.

26-02-2009, MrSugarCube
- Modified #1560: Separated PROMPTCONSOLE from the targeting system. Targeting no longer interferes
  with prompts and vice-versa.

14-03-2009, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1585: Multiple arguments not being passed into commands when using the syntax
  [SERV.]ACCOUNT <name> <command> <args>

20-03-2009, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1586: Exception in Linux build when using the ADDCLILOC function with DEBUGF_SCRIPTS enabled.
- Fixed: Exception when passing an invalid object uid into the NEWDUPE function.

21-03-2009, MrSugarCube
- Fixed: Crashes with EF_Unicode enabled on Linux builds.
- Fixed: SuppressCapitals causing speech to be blanked out.

22-03-2009, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1557: Sphere only sending partial webpages to certain browsers such as FireFox.
- Fixed: Sphere only sending partial webpages to all browsers when EF_UseNetworkMulti is used.
- Modified: EF_UseNetworkMultiVersionMod now also disables the effects of EF_UseNetworkMulti for HTTP

29-03-2009, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1589: TWOHANDS returning 1 with items that are equipped in the second hand but aren't
  two-handed, such as shields and lanterns.

04-04-2009, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1588: Possibility of overflow when applying markups to vendor prices (note that prices are
  limited to a maximum of 2,147,483,647gp inclusive of markup).

10-04-2009, MrSugarCube
- Fixed: Server crash caused by deeply nested SKILLMENUs.
- Modified: Menu options are no longer hidden from SKILLMENUs when Sphere is unable to fully search
  within them.

13-04-2009, MrSugarCube
- Added: SERV.RTICKS.FROMTIME year,month,day,hour,minute,second. Returns the timestamp for the given
- Added: SERV.RTICKS.FORMAT timestamp[,format]. Converts the given timestamp into a formatted date
  string (similar to SERV.RTIME.FORMAT).

14-04-2009, MrSugarCube (Script pack)
- Updated #1497: sphere_item_multis_houses_ships.scp (Fixed ship masts not blocking line of sight)

19-04-2009, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1586: Possible exception when checking line of sight near multis when AdvancedLos is enabled.
- Fixed #1495: Ghosts able to teleport through walls when resurrecting. Line of sight is now required
  for a ghost to resurrect with their corpse.
- Fixed: Exception when EF_NewPositionChecks is enabled and there are statics placed on the map which
  don't have scripts.

19-04-2009, MrSugarCube (Script pack)
- Updated #1469: sphere_item_ground_tiles.scp (Corrected height of i_waterfall_low)

25-04-2009, MrSugarCube
- Modified: Jailing players (".JAIL cell#" command) now remembers the cell number that was specified,
  stored in Tag.JailCell on the account and used when returning players to jail.
- Modified: Jailed players are no longer blocked from being teleported within the jail region.

25-04-2009, MrSugarCube (Script pack)
- Updated: sphere_map0.scp (Renamed individual jail AREADEFs to jail cell ROOMDEFs)

02-05-2009, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1581: Characters unable to see objects that are in the corners of their visual range.

03-05-2009, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1526: No decay timer set on lights after they become unlit.

04-05-2009, MrSugarCube
- Fixed: Objects on the corners of .EXTRACT, .NUKE, .NUKECHAR areas not being affected by the command.

05-05-2009, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1451: Missing mana checks, skill checks and @Select triggers not being fired before casting,
  when precasting is enabled.
- Modified: Separated the movement behaviour of the MAGICF_PRECAST flag into a new MAGIC_FREEZEONCAST
  flag. Enable MAGICF_PRECAST to enable casting before targeting, and enable MAGICF_FREEZEONCAST to
  prevent characters from moving whilst casting (enable both to retain the previous behaviour of
  for individual spells.

06-05-2009, MrSugarCube
- Added #1599: SpellTimeout setting to Sphere.ini. If set to a value greater than zero then when
  casting a spell the player is given this many seconds to choose a target before the spell is
  automatically cancelled.

16-05-2009, MrSugarCube
- Modified #1610: Cure spell just sends the packet needed to update the health bar rather than sending
  a full refresh of the entire screen.
- Added #1609: MAGICF_SUMMONWALKCHECK flag to ensure that summoned creatures can only be successfully
  summoned on tiles that are walkable for them (i.e. a sea creature can only be summoned on water).

16-05-2009, MrSugarCube (Script pack)
- Updated: sphere_msgs.scp (Added msg_summon_invalidtarg defmessage)

18-05-2009, MrSugarCube
- Added #1466: MAGICF_NOFIELDSOVERWALLS flag to enable additional checks when casting field spells to
  prevent them from passing through blocking objects (CAN_I_BLOCK and/or CAN_I_DOOR).

20-05-2009, MrSugarCube
- Added #1604: PROMPTCONSOLEU function. This is an alternative to the PROMPTCONSOLE which enables the
  client to respond with unicode text.
- Added: SYSMESSAGELOCEX, an extended version of SYSMESSAGELOC which can be used for sending localized
  messages to clients with a non-localized string attached to the start or end of the message. SMSGLEX
  can also be used as a shortcut.
  Syntax is: "SYSMESSAGELOCEX color,clilocid,flags,affix[,arguments]"
  All arguments must be separated by a comma ",". Specify -1 for color if you do not wish to override
  it. Known possible values for flags are:
    0x00 = Append text to message
    0x01 = Prepend text to message
    0x02 = Forces message to show as a system message
  A couple of examples of this being used (latest clilocs) are:
   "SYSMESSAGELOCEX -1,1008078,01,MrSugarCube"                    - Displays "MrSugarCube : Attempting to heal you."
   "SYSMESSAGELOCEX -1,3002003,00,Smoking is bad for your health" - Displays "Note to self:  Smoking is bad for your health"
  For overriding messages in sphere_msgs.scp (or other message functions such as SAY and MESSAGE) the
  syntax "@hue,font,3 clilocid,flags,affix[,arguments]" can be used, for example:
   "SAY @022,,3 1008097,01,MrSugarCube"                           - Object says "MrSugarCube : poisoned you!" in red

30-05-2009, Nazghul
- Fixed: @GetHit always gave damagetype type (argn2) 0C02 (physical | slash | pierce). Now the type is set
  to dam_physical, dam_slash or dam_pierce is added depending on weapon type (wrestling and mace weapons
  don't set extra flags).
- Added: TAG.OVERRIDE.DAMAGETYPE for weapon type items. Holds a numerical value and overrides the
  type specific damage type.

20-06-2009, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1617: Dispel and Mass Dispel spells sending an unnecessary full client update to all players
  touched by the spell.

21-06-2009, MrSugarCube
- Added #1627: PlayerEvil setting to Sphere.ini. Similar to the PlayerNeutral setting, this
  will control the karma level at which a player will be considered evil.

25-07-2009, MrSugarCube
- Added: Support for packet changes found in client

02-08-2009, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1636: Exception caused when an online player character is deleted.
- Fixed #1639: Tooltips not being sent for objects on the edge of the client's screen.

29-08-2009, MrSugarCube
- Fixed: Unable to drop 'new' spell scrolls (necro+) into spellbooks even when MOREZ has
  been correctly set on the book.
- Fixed: Incorrect character race being sent to clients.

30-08-2009, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1625: Extremely high vendor prices on Linux build.
- Fixed: Archery buttes not checking for OVERRIDE.AMMOTYPE and OVERRIDE.ANIM* tags on the
  character's weapon.
- Modified #1642: Reduced delay between asynchronous database query callbacks.
- Added: Skill flag SKF_RANGED. Combine this with the SKF_FIGHT flag to create ranged
  (i.e. archery) combat skills.

30-08-2009, MrSugarCube (Script pack)
- Updated: sphere_defs.scp (Added SKF_RANGED definition)

07-09-2009, MrSugarCube
- Added: Console command "d ui" to generate a file named "unscripted_items.scp" that
  contains *basic* definitions for items in tiledata.mul that have no corresponding
  Sphere script.

12-09-2009, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1623: RESTEST requiring 1 of an item when checking for a quantity of 0. This also
  affects other resource-list-based functions and properties such as CONSUME, FOODTYPE,
- Fixed #1655: Setting RAINCHANCE and COLDCHANCE to zero does did not disable rain or snow.
- Modified: When loading a WORLD* block from a save Sphere can resolve defnames to find the
  object being loaded (like the ones in sphere_backward_compatibility.scp, for example).

12-09-2009, Coruja (Script pack)
- Updated #1645: sphere_template_vend.scp, sphere_item_resources.scp, spherechar_human.scp,
  sphere_item_provisions_potions.scp, sphere_backward_compatibility.scp (Corrected spelling
  of the wyrm heart defname (i_reag_worm_heart->i_reag_wyrm_heart))
- Updated #1654: sphere_defs.scp (Adjusted height of the Meer characters)

13-09-2009, MrSugarCube
- Fixed #1595: @Destroy trigger not being fired for items inside removed containers. When
  returning 1 in @Destroy on an item inside a container about to be deleted, the item will
  be dropped to the ground (unless the item has already been moved elsewhere).
- Fixed #1656: Exception when players trade and item 01e5e has not been set as a container
dün gördüm sphereserverda saat 5 gibi ama vaktim yoktu değişiklikleri inceliyorum türkçeye çevirirsem paylaşırım.
Dün gece indirdim ilk farkedenlerden biriyim fakat, dikkatsizlik işte hiç yeni sürüm olduğunu anlayamamışım sonradan farkettim :):)
Şahane yenilikler var arkadaşlar. Daha denemeye zaman bulamadım fakat yapılanları okuyunca heyecanlandım. Mesela artık silahlara damage type verebilirip resistance olayını da aktifleyebiliyoruz. Bir çok ses açma kapama opsiyonu eklenmiş. Bi list olayı var eminim güzel bir mevzudur. Daha bir çok yenilik bence uzun süredir gelen en iyi builderden birisi. Özellik 5x client ve üstündeki versiyonlar için spelleffectteki takılma sorunu düzeltilmiş. M.sugarcube damgasını vurmuş kısaca :)
jeem de adını yazdırmış oraya :D tr den birilerinide görmek güzel.

list olayını bende gördüm ama fazla bilgi verilmemiş nedir neyin nesidir anlayamadım.

Bu konu [Alcholic] tarafından düzenlendi(2009-09-21 19:58, 14 yıl önce)
SVN'den güncel olarak takip ederdim. Sürekli ederim ve en günceli indirmeye özen gösteririm ; stabil yada değil.

Mesela artık ;
EventsRegion sphere.ini bölümlerinde virgül ile bir çok event koyabiliyoruz.

CanUndressPet ile başkasının paperdollundakileri sürükleyip bırakabiliyorsunuz.

List olayı , community pack için bounty systemde denendi ama benim açımdan hiç sonuç alamadı. Geliştirilmesi lazım , önermem.
deneyelim bakalım :) heycanlandım şimdiden.
guzel yenılıkler herzaman bizleri ileriye taşicaktır.
Vakitsizlikten indiremedim bile daha. Deneyen arakdaşlar ufak raporlar sunarlarsa memnun olurum =)
list dediğimiz olayı bir nevi array olarak tanımlayabiliriz sanırım. biraz inceleme fırsatı buldum. epey güzel. yalnız findelem'de biraz problem var gibi.

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