Arkadaşlar Sphere cökme yaşıyorum bunun nedeni bir türlü bulamadım

loglarda aşağıdaki gibidir yardımlarınızı bekliyorum....

1d0:Bad Login 13 (Unencrypted client not permitted. See the USENOCRYPT setting in sphere.ini)
02:08:1d0:Client disconnected 

[Total:7] ('' 0/0)
02:08:WARNING:Resource 'sphere.ini' changed, resync.
02:08:Expansion maps supported: T2A, 

02:08:Indexing 613 scripts...
02:08:ERROR:Unsupported ClientVersion '0x600093'/'0x18'. Use Ignition?
02:08:1d0:Client connected [Total:8] ('' 1/1)
02:08:1d0:Login 'hwgordon'
02:09:1d0:Client disconnected 

[Total:7] ('' 0/0)
02:09:1d0:Client connected [Total:8] ('' 1/1)
02:09:ERROR:1d0:Bad Login 13 

(Unencrypted client not permitted. See the USENOCRYPT setting in sphere.ini)
02:09:1d0:Client disconnected [Total:7] 

('' 0/0)
02:09:WARNING:Resource 'sphere.ini' changed, resync.
02:09:Expansion maps supported: T2A, LBR, AOS, 

02:09:Indexing 613 scripts...
02:09:ERROR:Unsupported ClientVersion '0x600093'/'0x18'. Use Ignition?
02:09:1d0:Client connected [Total:8] ('' 1/1)
02:09:1d0:Login 'hwgordon'
02:09:1d0:Client disconnected 

[Total:7] ('' 0/0)
02:09:1d0:Client connected [Total:8] ('' 1/1)
02:09:ERROR:1d0:Bad Login 13 

(Unencrypted client not permitted. See the USENOCRYPT setting in sphere.ini)
02:09:1d0:Client disconnected [Total:7] 

('' 0/0)
02:09:1d0:Client connected [Total:8] ('' 1/1)
02:09:1d0:CUO Status request from
02:09:1d0:Client disconnected [Total:7] ('' 0/0)
02:09:WARNING:Resource 'sphere.ini' changed, 

02:09:Expansion maps supported: T2A, LBR, AOS, SE, ML
02:09:Indexing 613 scripts...

ClientVersion '0x600093'/'0x18'. Use Ignition?
02:10:1d0:Client connected [Total:8] ('' 1/1)
02:10:ERROR:1d0:Bad Login 16 (This IP is blocked)
02:10:1d0:Client disconnected [Total:7] ('' 0/0)
02:10:1d0:Client connected [Total:8] ('' 1/1)
02:10:1d0:Login 'hwgordon'
02:10:1d0:Client disconnected 

[Total:7] ('' 0/0)
02:10:1d0:Client connected [Total:8] ('' 1/1)
02:10:ERROR:1d0:Bad Login 11 

(Encryption error (unknown encryption or bad login packet))
02:10:1d0:Client disconnected [Total:7] ('' 0/0)
02:10:1d0:Client connected [Total:8] ('' 1/1)
02:10:ERROR:1d0:Bad Login 16 (This IP is blocked)
02:10:1d0:Client disconnected [Total:7] ('' 0/0)
02:10:1d0:Client connected [Total:8] ('' 

02:10:ERROR:1d0:Bad Login 16 (This IP is blocked)
02:10:1d0:Client disconnected [Total:7] ('' 0/0)
02:10:1d0:Client connected [Total:8] ('' 1/1)
02:10:ERROR:1d0:Bad Login 16 (This IP is blocked)
02:10:1d0:Client disconnected [Total:7] ('' 0/0)
02:11:ERROR:Timer expired without DECAY flag 'Boss Idol' 

02:12:(sphere_serv_triggers.scp,103)Statics data saved (save/spherestatics.scp).
02:12:GC: 79151 Objects 

accounted for
02:12:World data saved   (save/sphereworld.scp).
02:12:Player data saved  (save/spherechars.scp).

data saved   (save/spheremultis.scp).
02:12:Context data saved (save/spheredata.scp).
02:12:World save completed, took 

0.9508 seconds
02:12:WARNING:Resource 'sphere.ini' changed, resync.
02:12:Expansion maps supported: T2A, LBR, AOS, SE, ML
02:12:Indexing 613 scripts...
02:12:ERROR:Unsupported ClientVersion '0x600093'/'0x18'. Use Ignition?

connected [Total:8] ('' 1/1)
02:12:22c:Login 'hwgordon'
02:12:22c:Client disconnected [Total:7] 

('' 0/0)
02:12:22c:Client connected [Total:8] ('' 1/1)
02:12:ERROR:22c:Bad Login 11 (Encryption 

error (unknown encryption or bad login packet))
02:12:22c:Client disconnected [Total:7] ('' 0/0)
02:13:(sphere_serv_triggers.scp,103)Statics data saved (save/spherestatics.scp).
02:13:ERROR:GC: 1 unplaced object 

02:13:GC: 79162 Objects accounted for
02:13:World data saved   (save/sphereworld.scp).
02:13:Player data saved  

02:13:Multi data saved
sabri sen buna önceden giriyordunda şimdimi hata veriyor ?
Sphere.ini'de ClientVersion'a bak..
Ultio : Sphere.ini'de ClientVersion'a bak..

Aynen client versionnundan kaynaklanıyor gibi gözüküyor.
Client Versiyondan olucağını zannetmiyorum bu en son cökme logları bunda client versiyon hatası görünmüyor

1f8:'crown' commands 'map'=1
04:39:248:Client connected [Total:10] ('' 1/1)
04:39:248:CUO Status request from
04:39:248:Client disconnected [Total:9] ('' 0/0)
04:39:(sphere_serv_triggers.scp,103)Statics data saved (save/spherestatics.scp).
04:39:ERROR:UID=0400185ac, id=0203c 'long hair', Invalid code=2227 (Hair/Beard item not equipped / not in a corpse / not in a vendor box)
04:39:GC: 78054 Objects accounted for
04:39:World data saved   (save/sphereworld.scp).
04:39:Player data saved  (save/spherechars.scp).
04:39:Multi data saved   (save/spheremultis.scp).
04:39:Context data saved (save/spheredata.scp).
04:39:World save completed, took 0.6526 seconds
04:40:1f8:'crown' commands 'map'=1
04:40:1f8:'crown' commands 'map'=1
04:40:1f8:'crown' commands 'map'=1
04:41:1c8:'Jessica31' commands 'online'=1
04:41:1f8:'crown' commands 'map'=1
04:41:1f8:'crown' commands 'map'=1
04:41:ERROR:(leveling system.scp,172)Can't resolve <>
04:42:1f8:'crown' commands 'map'=1
04:42:1f8:'crown' commands 'map'=1
04:43:1c8:'Jessica31' commands 'map'=1
04:43:1f8:'crown' commands 'map'=1
04:43:1f8:'crown' commands 'map'=1
04:44:1c8:'Jessica31' commands 'map'=1
04:44:ERROR:Timer expired without DECAY flag 'Stuck Suresi' (UID=40018ecc)?
04:44:308:Client connected [Total:10] ('' 1/1)
04:44:308:CUO Status request from
04:44:308:Client disconnected [Total:9] ('' 0/0)
04:45:(sphere_serv_triggers.scp,103)Statics data saved (save/spherestatics.scp).
04:45:ERROR:'gater' Bad Link to 04001719f
04:45:ERROR:UID=0400170b5, id=0a8cf 'gater', Invalid code=2205 (Mislinked item)
04:45:ERROR:UID=0400171bd, id=01ae5 'summoning gate', Invalid code=2236 (Item flagged as decay but without timer set)
04:45:ERROR:'Summon Creature' Bad Link to 017beb
04:45:ERROR:UID=040017884, id=020a7 'Summon Creature', Invalid code=2205 (Mislinked item)
04:45:ERROR:UID=017888, id=023e 'Blade Spirits', Invalid code=1102 (Disconnected char not acting as such)
04:45:GC: 78308 Objects accounted for
04:45:World data saved   (save/sphereworld.scp).
04:45:Player data saved  (save/spherechars.scp).
04:45:Multi data saved   (save/spheremultis.scp).
04:45:Context data saved (save/spheredata.scp).
04:45:World save completed, took 0.4730 seconds
04:46:1f8:'crown' commands 'map'=1
04:46:1f8:'crown' commands 'map'=1

loglarda hiç bişey görünmüyor
sphere'nin hangi sürümünü kullanıyorsun ? eğer september 2009 kullanıyorsan hata yapıyorsun : )
[Total:7] ('' 0/0)
02:08:WARNING:Resource 'sphere.ini' changed, resync.
02:08:Expansion maps supported: T2A, 

('' 0/0)
02:09:WARNING:Resource 'sphere.ini' changed, resync.
02:09:Expansion maps supported: T2A, LBR, AOS, 

02:09:Expansion maps supported: T2A, LBR, AOS, SE, ML
02:09:Indexing 613 scripts...

lbr bineklerden kaynaklanıyor.
crypt client hatasıda gördüm ben :)

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