What's the meaning of murloc?
Is it a noun?
I didn't find in the dictionary =)
Ah murloc is a animal in world of warcraft if you Click you will understund what i mean :)
he is a man who uses English bad XD it is natural if you haven't understood yet.
Other side of medallion :P

/ Küfür yasak!

Bu konu Slothere tarafından düzenlendi(2008-02-24 16:21, 16 yıl önce)
I prefer PS3 and XBOX360 ... Playing it all day when I have time ...

COD 4, Assassin's Creed or Bioshock :yes
Akillis i admire your life especially your father's project.Our nation needs people like ur father.
Thank you
My English subject is 1 bunu bile soyleyemiyom iste :( ingilizcem 1 demeye calısıyom ;(
My English grade is 1 which is F :)
Hey guys =)
I wasn't here because I passed the limit ("kota" = TTneT)
I missed the US =)
Undomiel : Hey guys =)
I wasn't here because I passed the limit ("kota" = TTneT)
I missed the US =)

Why don't you buy an unlimited TTnet. It may be more good for you. :con
Maybe he can't afford it.It's his decision.
Akillis : I prefer PS3 and XBOX360 ... Playing it all day when I have time ...

COD 4, Assassin's Creed or Bioshock :yes

PS3 sucks...
Even 6 yo child knows that...
I wish to marry with it.

And I am also not here for a while...
I gotto study for my exams...:ates
Elder brother akillis
you job ?
you age ?
To boot graduate universty ?
For day's happened..

/ Im not say english

Bu konu Urukapina tarafından düzenlendi(2008-03-02 14:29, 16 yıl önce)

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